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Argumentum Ad Lazarum

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Argumentum Ad Lazarum

Argumentum ad Lazarum is a type of logical fallacy that appeals to the emotions of the audience by using the suffering of someone who is disadvantaged as evidence to support a particular position. This fallacy is often used to manipulate the audience's emotions by evoking pity or sympathy. The argument is not based on any logical or factual evidence, but rather on the emotional response of the audience. The fallacy is commonly used in political speeches, debates, and advertising campaigns. The use of Argumentum ad Lazarum is considered unethical because it exploits the suffering of others for personal gain. It is also ineffective in convincing people to change their minds, as it does not provide any logical or factual evidence to support the argument. Instead, it relies on the emotional response of the audience, which may not be sustainable in the long term. It is important to recognize the use of Argumentum ad Lazarum in arguments and to avoid using it ourselves. Instead, we should focus on presenting logical and factual evidence to support our arguments. This will not only make our arguments more convincing, but it will also help to maintain the integrity of the debate.

logical fallacy, emotional manipulation, disadvantaged, ethics, evidence

Daniel Thompson

CITATION : "Daniel Thompson. 'Argumentum Ad Lazarum.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 06, 2024)"

Argumentum Ad Lazarum

Argumentum ad Lazarum is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when a person uses the suffering of someone who is disadvantaged, as evidence that their position is correct. This type of fallacy is an example of an appeal to emotion and is used to manipulate an audience by attempting to evoke sympathy or pity. It generally disregards any logical or factual evidence that might be presented, and relies instead on the emotional response of the audience. This type of fallacy is commonly seen in debates, political speeches, and advertising campaigns.

Argumentum ad Lazarum, Cognitive Bias, Logical Fallacy, Manipulation, Emotional Appeal.

Jessica Adams

Argumentum Ad Lazarum Definition
Argumentum Ad Lazarum on Design+Encyclopedia

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