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Appeal To Pity

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Appeal To Pity

Appeal to Pity is a fallacy that occurs when someone attempts to persuade their audience by eliciting sympathy or pity from them. This fallacy is often used in arguments, debates, and other situations where one party is attempting to convince the other party of something. The person using the fallacy will often present themselves as a victim or someone who is suffering in some way, and they will try to convince their audience to accept their argument by focusing on their own hardships rather than on evidence or facts. One of the key problems with Appeal to Pity is that it is an emotional appeal rather than a logical one. The person using the fallacy is attempting to manipulate their audience's emotions rather than presenting a well-reasoned argument. This can be particularly problematic in situations where important decisions need to be made based on evidence and facts, such as in a court case or a political debate. Another issue with Appeal to Pity is that it can be used to distract from the real issues at hand. By focusing on their own hardships, the person using the fallacy may be able to divert attention away from the actual argument or issue, making it more difficult for their audience to evaluate the evidence and come to a reasoned conclusion. It is important to note that not all appeals to emotion are fallacious. In some cases, appeals to emotion can be a legitimate and effective way to persuade an audience. However, when emotions are used in place of evidence and logical reasoning, it can lead to poor decision-making and flawed arguments.

fallacy, emotional appeal, logical reasoning, evidence, distraction

Matthew Anderson

CITATION : "Matthew Anderson. 'Appeal To Pity.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 03, 2024)"

Appeal To Pity

Appeal To Pity is a type of cognitive bias and logical fallacy. It happens when people try to persuade someone to do something by making them feel sorry for them. They might talk about their hard life and try to get people to feel sorry for them so they will do what they want. It's like trying to get people to do something out of pity instead of logic or facts.

Appeal To Pity, Emotional Manipulation, Sympathy Bias.

Thomas Lee

Appeal To Pity

Appeal To Pity is a cognitive bias and logical fallacy that occurs when someone attempts to influence an outcome by eliciting sympathy from their audience. This bias occurs when a speaker or writer attempts to convince their audience to accept an argument or position by focusing on the hardships of the speaker or writer, rather than providing evidence for the argument. This fallacy is often used in debates, court cases, and other arguments, and it is considered a form of emotive language. The speaker or writer often presents themselves as the victim of a situation and attempts to convince the audience to accept their argument through their own hardships.

Emotive Language, Sympathy, Manipulation.

Jessica Adams

Appeal To Pity Definition
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