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Appeal To Ridicule

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Appeal To Ridicule

Appeal to ridicule is a type of logical fallacy that involves mocking or making fun of an argument, idea, or person in order to discredit it. This fallacy is often used to avoid engaging with the substance of an argument, by instead attacking the person presenting it or making the argument appear foolish or absurd. One important aspect of appeal to ridicule is that it does not provide any substantive counterargument or evidence to refute the original claim. Instead, it relies on the emotional reaction of the audience to the ridicule, hoping that they will reject the argument without critically examining it. This can be particularly effective when the audience is already predisposed to agree with the ridiculer or to hold negative views of the person or idea being ridiculed. Another important aspect of appeal to ridicule is that it can be difficult to recognize, as it often appears in the form of humor or sarcasm. This can make it seem like a harmless or even entertaining way to discredit an argument or person, when in fact it is a fallacious and intellectually dishonest tactic. It is worth noting that ridicule can be a legitimate form of criticism or satire, and that not all uses of humor or mockery in argumentation constitute an appeal to ridicule fallacy. The key difference is whether the ridicule is being used to undermine the argument or person without providing any substantive counterargument, or whether it is being used to highlight flaws or absurdities in the argument or person in a way that supports a larger argument.

logical fallacy, mocking, discredit, emotional reaction, humor, satire

Daniel Lopez

CITATION : "Daniel Lopez. 'Appeal To Ridicule.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 02, 2024)"

Appeal To Ridicule

Appeal To Ridicule is a type of logical fallacy which means someone is trying to make a point by making fun of something. It's when someone is trying to prove they are right by making someone else look silly. For example, if someone said that eating healthy is important, and another person responded by making fun of them and saying they are too serious, then they are using Appeal To Ridicule.

Appeal To Ridicule, Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies

Thomas Lee

Appeal To Ridicule

Appeal to ridicule is a cognitive bias and logical fallacy which involves the use of mockery, sarcasm, or humor to persuade an audience to reject an argument, opinion, or idea without providing any evidence or sound reasoning. It is a form of argumentative technique which relies on attacking the person rather than the argument itself. This form of persuasion is often used as a way to make an idea appear ridiculous or foolish, in order to discredit it, while avoiding any real discussion of the merits of the argument.

Appeal to ridicule, mockery, sarcasm, humor, cognitive bias, logical fallacy, persuasion, argumentative technique, attacking person, discredit, discussion of merits.

Jessica Adams

Appeal To Ridicule Definition
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