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Affordability is a term that refers to the ability of an individual or organization to purchase a product or service without experiencing financial strain or hardship. It is a concept that is important in various fields, including economics, finance, and design. Affordability is not just about the price of a product or service, but also about the ability of the purchaser to allocate resources and make trade-offs in order to acquire it. It is a complex concept that is affected by a variety of factors, including income, availability of credit, and personal preferences. One important aspect of affordability is its relationship to financial stability. Individuals and organizations that are financially stable are more likely to be able to afford the products and services they need or want. However, even those who are financially stable may face affordability challenges if they have limited resources or face unexpected expenses. Affordability can also be affected by external factors such as inflation, changes in the economy, and government policies. Another important aspect of affordability is its impact on consumer behavior. Consumers who perceive a product or service to be affordable are more likely to purchase it, while those who perceive it to be unaffordable are more likely to seek alternatives. This can have a significant impact on businesses and industries, as they must balance the need to offer products and services that are affordable with the need to generate profits. Overall, affordability is a complex and multifaceted concept that is important in a variety of fields. It is affected by a variety of factors, including income, availability of credit, personal preferences, and external economic factors. Understanding affordability is important for individuals, organizations, and policymakers alike, as it can have a significant impact on financial stability, consumer behavior, and economic growth.

financial stability, consumer behavior, income, availability of credit, personal preferences, external economic factors, affordability challenges, unexpected expenses, inflation, government policies

Richard White


Affordability is a noun, generally used to mean the capacity to pay or obtain something. Synonyms for affordability can include accessibility, availability, affordableness, and procurability. Antonyms include unattainability, expense, costliness, and unaffordability. Cognates for affordability may include the French afforder and Spanish afrontar. Variants of affordability could be affordable and affordably.

Etymology morphologic terms related to affordablity: synonymy, antonymy, cognates, variants, derivation, inflection, word-formation, phraseology, compounding.

George Adrian Postea


The term ‘affordability’ is likely derived from the late 15th century Anglo-French verb ‘afford’ and the suffix ‘ability’. The verb ‘afford’ means ‘to be able to give’ or ‘to yield’, and the suffix ‘ability’ means ‘possession of a capability or quality’. This combination of affording and the capability to afford highlight the linguistic evolution of the word to refer to the economic capacity to make a purchase. The word ‘affordability’ has evolved over time to also refer to the feasibility or practicality of purchase, as well as the ability to access the product or service. The morphological implications of the word ‘affordability’ include various linguistic components such as the phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Furthermore, the term can be used in various contexts such as politics, economics, finance, health, and education to refer to the ease of access and ability to acquire a product or service.

Pricing, Economics, Budget, Financial, Cost

Henry Fontaine


Affordability is a term used in reference to the relative cost that an individual or entity is able to pay for a given product or service. Affordability is often understood with respect to the amount of money that can reasonably be budgeted for the purchase or acquisition of a given product or service. In other words, affordability is the amount of money or other resources that can be invested without compromising other aspects of a person's life or lifestyle.

Equivalent terms to affordability in other languages include acessibilidade (Portuguese), economabile (Italian), rentabilité (French), Bezahlbarkeit (German), financiamiento (Spanish), finansijska dostupnost (Serbian), and dostupnosti financiranja (Croati

Harris Awan


Affordability is an important factor for designers to consider when creating a work of art or design. When budgeting for a project, designers must take into account the cost of raw materials, labor, and other resources needed to complete their project. Affordability can also affect the timeline of a project, as resources with limited financial availability may require more time and effort to secure. Designers must also consider the cost of the project relative to the potential return that it can generate, in order to ensure that the project is financially viable. Furthermore, designers should be aware of the potential restrictions that affordability can impose on their creative freedom, and be prepared to make concessions in order to maximize the value of their project within a given budget.

Cost, Resources, Budget, Return.

Federica Costa


Affordability is a key factor for designers engaged in design, arts and creativity. It affects the decisions that designers make in terms of materials, labor, and other resources necessary for the successful completion of their projects. Affordability can also affect how much time a designer has to devote to their project, as resources with limited financial availability may require more time and effort to secure. Designers must also consider the cost of the project relative to the potential return that it can generate, in order to ensure that the project is financially viable. Designers should be mindful of the budget they have available and strive to make the most of their resources. Furthermore, designers should be aware of the potential restrictions that affordability can impose on their creative freedom, and be prepared to make concessions in order to maximize the value of their project within a given budget.

Creativity, design, affordability, cost, value.

Claudia Rossetti

CITATION : "Claudia Rossetti. 'Affordability.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Affordability is a term used to describe the availability of a product or service to be purchased or acquired with a reasonable or limited amount of money. It is often used to measure the financial cost of an item relative to the amount of money that a person or group of people have available to them. The concept of affordability is important to design thinking as it is used to assess how an individual or organization can acquire a desired product or service with limited resources.

Cheap, Cost, Price, Budget, Value, Savings.

Giovanna Mancini

Affordability Definition
Affordability on Design+Encyclopedia

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