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Agriculture is the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for food, fuel, fiber, and other products. It is a vital part of human civilization, providing sustenance and livelihoods for billions of people around the world. Agriculture has evolved over time, from early subsistence farming to modern industrialized operations, and continues to adapt to changing environmental and economic conditions. One important aspect of agriculture is its impact on the environment. Agricultural practices can affect soil health, water quality, and biodiversity, among other factors. Sustainable agriculture seeks to minimize negative environmental impacts while maximizing productivity and profitability. This can involve practices such as crop rotation, integrated pest management, and conservation tillage. Another important aspect of agriculture is its role in the global economy. Agriculture is a major industry, providing jobs and income for millions of people. It is also a key component of international trade, with many countries exporting agricultural products to others. However, the economics of agriculture can be complex, with factors such as government subsidies, market fluctuations, and climate change affecting prices and production. Finally, agriculture is intertwined with cultural and social factors. Traditional farming practices and local food systems are often closely tied to cultural identity and heritage. The social and economic impacts of agriculture can also vary widely, with some farmers and communities benefiting more than others.

cultivation, sustainability, environment, economy, culture

Andrew Campbell


Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. It encompasses the management of land, soil, water, climate, and other natural resources to produce food, fiber, and fuel for human consumption. In languages around the world, this activity is referred to by a variety of terms. In French, this activity is known as ‘agriculture’, ‘agriculture intensive’, ‘cultures’, and ‘traitement des sols’; in Spanish, ‘agricultura’, ‘granja’ and ‘ganaderia’; in German, ‘landwirtschaft’ and ‘ernte’; in Russian, ‘zemledelie’ and ‘zemlyanina’; in Chinese, ‘nongye’; and in Arabic, ‘al-zera’a’ and ‘fadl-al-zera’a’. It is also referred to as ‘geneeskunde’ in Dutch, ‘agricoltura’ and ‘coltivazioni’ in Italian, and ‘padi’ and ‘kebun’ in Indonesian. These terms all encompass the principles, practices, and results of this activity. Additionally, words such as ‘agricultural’, ‘agriculturalist’, ‘agronomist’, ‘crop’, ‘farming’, and ‘harvesting’ can be used to describe this activity.

Agriculture domain specific language, agriview, agroterm, termonomia, agronomistas, cultivos, cultivo, agricultura, granja, ganaderia, landwirtschaft, ernte, zemledelie, zemlyanina, nongye, al-zera'a, fadl-al-zera'a, geneeskunde, agricoltura, co

Harris Awan


Agriculture is a collective noun, conveying a concept of subcategory in the realm of human endeavors involving the labors associated with the production of foodstuffs and the management of lands for such production. It is a special type of economic activity, distinguished from the other activities such as hunting and gathering, food production through the domestication of animals, and non-agricultural activities. Synonyms for agriculture include cultivation, farming, cropping, tilling, harvesting, plowing, husbandry, stockbreeding, and agronomy. Antonyms may include idleness, inactivity, and lack of production of food commodities. Cognates of the word agriculture include agronomy, agricola, agrarian, and agrimony. Variants of the word include agro- and agrobiological.

Etymology, lexicology, lexicography, semantics, morphology, synonymy, antonymy, cognates, orthography, phonology, semantics, semiotics, lexicon, dialectology, morphophonology.

George Adrian Postea


Agriculture is a vital part of the global economy, providing food, feed, fiber, fuel, and other products to people all over the world. Designers have a unique opportunity to help create sustainable agricultural systems that can produce food and other goods while also being mindful of the environment. Designers can create systems that are efficient and effective, while also being mindful of the environment and the impact of their work. They can create products that promote a more sustainable food system, such as organic farming methods, crop rotation, and water conservation. Designers can also create educational materials to help people understand how their food is produced and how to make informed decisions about what they eat. By designing with the environment in mind, designers can help create a more sustainable and equitable agricultural system.

Agriculture, Farming, Crop Rotation, Sustainable Farming, Organic Farming.

Eleonora Barbieri


Agriculture is a complex and ever-evolving practice, requiring a great deal of knowledge, skill, and creativity. Designers can play a major role in helping to create sustainable agricultural systems that can produce food and other goods while also being mindful of the environment. Designers can help create systems that are efficient and effective, while also being mindful of the environment and the impact of their work. They can create products that promote a more sustainable food system, such as organic farming methods, crop rotation, and water conservation. Designers can also create educational materials to help people understand how their food is produced and how to make informed decisions about what they eat. Designers can also work with local farmers to create innovative solutions that help to maximize the efficiency of their operations while also reducing their environmental impact. Through design, designers can create systems that can help create a more sustainable and equitable agricultural system.

Agriculture, Farming, Crops, Livestock, Organic Farming, Sustainable Agriculture

Federica Costa


Agriculture has been a cornerstone of human life since the beginning of time. It is the practice of cultivating land and raising crops and livestock for food, fiber, fuel, and other products. As agriculture evolves, its role in the world has become increasingly complex. Designers can play an important role in the development of sustainable agriculture practices. Through design, they can create systems that are efficient and effective, while also being mindful of the environment and the impact of their work. Designers can also create products that promote a more sustainable food system, such as organic farming methods, crop rotation, and water conservation. Designers can also create educational materials to help people understand how their food is produced and how to make informed decisions about what they eat.

Organic Farming, Crop Rotation, Sustainable Agriculture, Water Conservation, Regenerative Agriculture.

Claudia Rossetti


Agriculture is the practice of cultivating land for the purpose of producing food and other goods. It encompasses a range of activities from the production of animal feed to the production of crops, as well as the management of land resources and the use of modern technologies. It is a complex and multi-faceted process, involving the careful consideration of the environment and the impact of human activity on the land. Agriculture has been a cornerstone of human survival and is essential for the continued development of society.

SEO farming, crops, soil, irrigation, livestock.

Giovanna Mancini


Agriculture is a fundamental practice that shapes our world. As designers, we understand the importance of creating a sustainable environment to ensure the abundance of food sources for generations to come. By exploring agricultural practices and understanding the principles of nature, we can start to see how our own design practices can help us craft the world that we want. From the perspective of an artist, agricultural practices open up an array of possibilities to explore the beauty of our natural environment.

Agriculture, farming, crops, sustainability, environment.

Anna Lombardi

CITATION : "Anna Lombardi. 'Agriculture.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on March 14, 2025)"


Agriculture is the practice of producing food and other goods, such as medicines, textiles, and energy sources, through farming and the use of animals, land and other resources. Agriculture is the main source of sustenance, culture and livelihood for billions of people around the world, with examples ranging from small-scale subsistence farming to large-scale industrialized agricultural operations.

Farming, crops, livestock, irrigation, management, soil

Chiara Ferrari


Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. It involves the production of food, feed, fiber and other goods by the systematic raising and harvesting of plants and animals. It is a vital part of the global economy, providing food, feed, fiber, fuel, and other products to people all over the world.

Agriculture, farming, crop production, livestock, soil management, harvesting.

Roberto Colombo


Agriculture is a large-scale, commercial process of cultivating land and harvesting crops for human consumption. It involves a variety of activities including crop rotation, soil preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting, and processing. In addition to producing food, modern agriculture is also responsible for producing livestock, such as chicken, eggs, and dairy products. Agriculture is a critical part of any economy and is an industry that affects the lives of many people.

Organic farming, sustainable agriculture, crop diversity, food production, crop management.

Emma Bernard


Agriculture is the science, art, and practice of cultivating plants and livestock for food, fuel, fiber, and other products to sustain and enhance human life. It involves the domestication, improvement, and breeding of plants and animals, as well as the preparation of soil for crop production, weed and pest control, irrigation and drainage, crop rotation, and harvesting. It also involves the raising of livestock, including feed production and management, animal husbandry, and marketing of livestock and livestock products.

Agricultural production, crop rotation, animal husbandry, soil preparation, pest management, harvesting, livestock production, irrigation, and drainage.

Giulia Esposito

Agriculture Definition
Agriculture on Design+Encyclopedia

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