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All is a fundamental concept in design that encompasses the complete, comprehensive, and holistic approach to creating solutions, products, or experiences. In design methodology, all represents the consideration and integration of every relevant aspect, component, and stakeholder in the design process, ensuring nothing is overlooked or excluded from the final solution. This comprehensive approach requires designers to examine multiple perspectives, including functional requirements, aesthetic considerations, user needs, environmental impact, and societal implications. The concept of all in design thinking promotes inclusive design practices that address diverse user groups, cultural contexts, and accessibility requirements, making it particularly relevant in universal design principles. When applied to design evaluation, such as in the A' Design Award & Competition's assessment criteria, all emphasizes the importance of examining every aspect of a design submission, from its conceptual foundation to its practical implementation. This holistic evaluation ensures that winning designs demonstrate excellence across multiple dimensions, including innovation, functionality, aesthetics, and social responsibility. The concept extends to sustainability considerations, where designers must account for all stages of a product's lifecycle, from material sourcing through manufacturing, use, and eventual disposal or recycling. In contemporary design practice, all has evolved to include digital and physical realms, requiring designers to consider both tangible and intangible aspects of their creations, as well as the interconnections between various design elements and their collective impact on user experience.

design totality, comprehensive approach, holistic methodology, universal consideration, inclusive thinking

Lucas Reed

CITATION : "Lucas Reed. 'All.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on February 05, 2025)"

All Definition
All on Design+Encyclopedia

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