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AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall

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AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall

AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall is an innovative urban leisure destination and small-scale mall located in the heart of Bucharest, Romania, distinguished by its sophisticated approach to community-centered design and sustainable urban development. This architectural achievement, designed by Helen Brasinika, represents a significant advancement in contemporary retail and recreational space design, seamlessly integrating interior, landscape, and lighting elements to create a cohesive urban experience. The facility spans four meticulously planned levels, each dedicated to specific aspects of wellness and leisure: the basement focuses on active recreation and body rejuvenation, the ground floor houses food and beverage establishments, the first floor combines delicatessen and experiential retail, while the second floor is devoted to pampering and mental wellness activities. The design philosophy emphasizes Research Informed Design and Future Cities methodology, incorporating advanced sustainable practices including Storm water Management and LED lighting systems that comply with IESNA standards. The project's material palette features high-performance materials such as Corian Dupont, Etalbond, polycarbonate, aluminum, and Florim ceramic tiles, selected for their sustainability credentials and manufacturing excellence. A distinctive feature of the design is its interpretation of centrality, symbolized by a heart-shaped motif that transforms from a two-dimensional logo into a three-dimensional connecting element spanning the atrium's height. This Gold A' Design Award-winning project in the Hospitality, Recreation, Travel and Tourism Design category demonstrates exceptional achievement in creating a sophisticated urban gathering space that successfully balances commercial viability with community engagement, environmental responsibility, and experiential design excellence.

urban recreation mall, sustainable leisure destination, community gathering space, wellness-focused architecture, integrated retail design, sustainable urban development

Adam Dawson

CITATION : "Adam Dawson. 'AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on February 05, 2025)"

AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall Definition
AgoraFloreasca UrbanTheory Urban Recreation Mall on Design+Encyclopedia

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