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Aurora Synthesizer

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Aurora Synthesizer

Aurora Synthesizer is an innovative electronic musical instrument that revolutionizes the traditional synthesizer interface by incorporating laser beam technology for effect and filter control. Designed by Mohamad Montazeri, this groundbreaking instrument replaces conventional touchpads and sliders with an interactive laser control system, offering musicians a unique and visually engaging performance experience. The synthesizer, which earned a Bronze A' Design Award in the Musical Instruments Design category, features a sophisticated sound generation system complemented by a multi-touch LCD screen interface. Its technical specifications include comprehensive oscillator sections with multiple waveform options (SAW, SQUARE, PULSE/PWM, TRIANGLE, SINE, NOISE, SUPER SAW), advanced filter sections, and extensive effect capabilities including Bit Crash, Fuzz, Pitch Shifter, and various modulation effects. The instrument's distinctive laser control system automatically synchronizes with sound parameters, allowing performers to modulate effects by interrupting and manipulating the laser beam's length, creating an intuitive and visually spectacular control method. Measuring 380 x 340 x 48 mm and weighing 2.7 kg, the synthesizer is constructed using ABS plastic through injection molding techniques. The design incorporates multiple connectivity options including USB ports, MIDI interfaces, and audio input/output connections, making it versatile for both studio and live performance applications. The name Aurora draws inspiration from the natural phenomenon of the aurora borealis, reflecting the instrument's use of light as a control medium and its ability to create ethereal, atmospheric sounds.

musical synthesis, laser control interface, electronic instrument design, performance technology, interactive music control, digital sound manipulation

Adam Dawson

CITATION : "Adam Dawson. 'Aurora Synthesizer.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on January 22, 2025)"

Aurora Synthesizer Definition
Aurora Synthesizer on Design+Encyclopedia

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