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Amphibious Rescue Drone

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Amphibious Rescue Drone

Amphibious Rescue Drone is an advanced disaster response and rescue device that combines aerial, aquatic, and terrestrial operational capabilities in a single versatile platform. This innovative rescue technology, designed by Junkai Shao and Wenzhe Tang, represents a significant advancement in emergency response equipment, integrating multiple critical functions including life detection, search and rescue positioning, equipment transportation, and emergency illumination. The drone's distinctive design features four adaptable wings equipped with radar detection systems on their outer diameters for detecting vital signs of survivors, while their inner diameters house detection lights for operating in low-visibility environments such as underwater caves or remote mountain regions. The device employs a sophisticated transformable architecture that enables it to switch between portable, flight, and diving modes, making it exceptionally versatile for various rescue scenarios. Constructed using aviation-grade aluminum and featuring a solar film coating that converts solar energy into electrical power for self-sustainability, the drone incorporates ultra-wide spectrum radar technology for multi-directional survivor detection. This groundbreaking design, which earned the Silver A' Design Award in the Security, Safety and Surveillance Products Design category, addresses the critical challenges faced in complex rescue operations where traditional methods prove inefficient or hazardous. The drone's ability to navigate difficult terrains while maintaining operational efficiency represents a significant advancement in rescue technology, particularly valuable in situations where human rescuers face access limitations or environmental hazards.

rescue technology, disaster response equipment, amphibious drone design, emergency search operations, life detection systems, transformable rescue device

Adam Dawson

CITATION : "Adam Dawson. 'Amphibious Rescue Drone.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on January 22, 2025)"

Amphibious Rescue Drone Definition
Amphibious Rescue Drone on Design+Encyclopedia

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