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Albumen is a protein found in egg whites that has been historically significant in the field of photography. In the mid-19th century, albumen was used as a binder to adhere light-sensitive silver salts onto paper, creating the albumen print process. This technique revolutionized photography by allowing for the mass production of high-quality, detailed prints with a wide tonal range. Albumen prints were known for their glossy surface, warm tones, and fine detail, making them popular for portraiture and landscape photography. The process involved coating paper with a mixture of egg whites and salt, then sensitizing it with a solution of silver nitrate. The paper was then exposed to light through a negative, creating a positive image. Albumen printing remained the dominant form of photographic printing until the turn of the 20th century, when it was gradually replaced by gelatin silver and other processes. Despite its eventual decline, the albumen print process played a crucial role in the development of photography as an art form and a means of visual communication, leaving a lasting impact on the history of the medium

albumen print, photographic process, 19th-century photography, egg white protein, silver nitrate, photographic printing

John Armstrong

CITATION : "John Armstrong. 'Albumen.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 17, 2024)"

Albumen Definition
Albumen on Design+Encyclopedia

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