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Axial is a term used in design to describe an object, element, or composition that is arranged or oriented along a central axis. In the context of design, an axial arrangement often implies symmetry, balance, and a strong focal point. This concept is applicable across various design disciplines, including architecture, interior design, graphic design, and product design. In architecture and interior design, an axial layout refers to the organization of spaces or elements along a straight line, often with a significant feature or focal point at one or both ends. This creates a sense of order, formality, and grandeur. In graphic design, axial composition is used to create a sense of stability, balance, and hierarchy, with elements arranged along a central vertical or horizontal axis. Product designers may use axial symmetry to create objects that are visually balanced and aesthetically pleasing, with a clear central axis around which the form is developed. The use of axial design principles can also have symbolic or cultural significance, as seen in the design of religious buildings, monuments, and ceremonial spaces, where the axial layout reinforces the sense of importance, power, and spiritual or cultural meaning.

axial design, symmetry, balance, focal point, visual hierarchy, composition

John Armstrong

CITATION : "John Armstrong. 'Axial.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Axial Definition
Axial on Design+Encyclopedia

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