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Autostereogram is a single-image stereogram that creates the visual illusion of a three-dimensional (3D) scene from a two-dimensional (2D) image. It consists of a repeating pattern of shapes, colors, or textures that, when viewed with the proper convergence of the eyes, reveals a hidden 3D image without the need for any special viewing apparatus. The technique relies on the brain's ability to perceive depth by processing the slight differences between the two images seen by each eye, a phenomenon known as stereopsis. Autostereograms, also known as single-image random dot stereograms (SIRDS), were popularized in the 1990s through the publication of numerous books featuring these fascinating images. The creation of an autostereogram involves generating a repeating pattern that encodes the depth information of a 3D scene. By carefully controlling the horizontal shift of the pattern, the image designer can specify the perceived depth at each point in the image. When viewed with the eyes focused beyond the surface of the picture, the repeating pattern appears to float above or sink below the background, revealing the hidden 3D image. Autostereograms have found applications in art, entertainment, and even in scientific research as a tool for studying human depth perception and visual processing.

autostereogram, 3D illusion, single-image stereogram, depth perception, stereopsis, repeating pattern, hidden image, SIRDS, visual processing

John Armstrong

CITATION : "John Armstrong. 'Autostereogram.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 07, 2024)"

Autostereogram Definition
Autostereogram on Design+Encyclopedia

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