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Antiportico is an architectural term that refers to a porch or portico that is recessed into the façade of a building, creating a sheltered entrance space. Unlike a traditional portico, which projects outward from the building, an antiportico is set back into the structure, forming a transitional area between the exterior and interior. This design feature has its roots in ancient Greek and Roman architecture, where it was often used in temples and public buildings. The antiportico serves both functional and aesthetic purposes. It provides protection from the elements, offering shade and shelter for those entering or exiting the building. Additionally, it creates a sense of grandeur and monumentality, as the recessed space can be adorned with columns, pilasters, or other architectural elements. The play of light and shadow within the antiportico adds depth and visual interest to the building's façade. In modern architecture, the antiportico continues to be employed in various contexts, from residential homes to institutional buildings, as a means of creating a welcoming and impressive entrance.

antiportico, recessed porch, entrance space, architectural feature, façade

John Armstrong

CITATION : "John Armstrong. 'Antiportico.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 17, 2024)"

Antiportico Definition
Antiportico on Design+Encyclopedia

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