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Aegis is a term with roots in Greek mythology, where it referred to a protective shield or breastplate worn by the gods, particularly Zeus and Athena. In modern usage, the term has evolved to encompass a broader concept of protection, support, or sponsorship. In the context of design, aegis can be understood as a guiding principle or a set of standards that serve to safeguard the integrity and quality of a design project. This might involve adhering to established design principles, such as user-centered design, accessibility guidelines, or sustainable design practices. By working under the aegis of these principles, designers aim to create products, services, and experiences that prioritize the needs and well-being of users while minimizing negative impacts on society and the environment. The concept of aegis in design can also extend to the role of mentorship and guidance within the design community, with experienced designers providing support and direction to those who are earlier in their careers.

design principles, user-centered design, accessibility guidelines, sustainable design, mentorship

John Armstrong

CITATION : "John Armstrong. 'Aegis.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Aegis Definition
Aegis on Design+Encyclopedia

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