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Ideograms are graphical symbols that represent ideas or concepts, rather than specific words or sounds. These symbols are often used in writing systems where each character represents a particular meaning, as opposed to alphabetic systems where characters represent sounds. Ideograms are integral to many Asian writing systems, such as Chinese characters (hanzi), Japanese kanji, and Korean hanja. In these writing systems, each ideogram can represent a single concept or idea, and they can be combined to form more complex meanings. The origins of ideograms can be traced back to ancient pictograms, where the symbols were stylized drawings of the objects they represented. Over time, these pictograms evolved into more abstract symbols, with their meanings extending beyond the original depicted objects. Ideograms have played a significant role in the development of written language and continue to be an essential part of various scripts used around the world today.

writing systems, graphical symbols, Asian scripts, Chinese characters, Japanese kanji, Korean hanja, pictograms, abstract symbols

Robert Anderson

CITATION : "Robert Anderson. 'Ideograms.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 08, 2024)"

Ideograms Definition
Ideograms on Design+Encyclopedia

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