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Accountability is a fundamental concept in various domains, including governance, ethics, and management, which refers to the obligation and willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions, decisions, and policies. It involves being answerable to stakeholders, such as superiors, subordinates, customers, or the general public, for the outcomes resulting from the choices made and actions taken. Accountability necessitates transparency, whereby the accountable party must provide clear, accurate, and timely information about their activities and decisions. This transparency allows stakeholders to assess the performance and decision-making processes of the accountable entity. Additionally, accountability often includes the acceptance of consequences, both positive and negative, that arise from the actions and decisions made. In essence, it is a mechanism that ensures individuals or organizations are held responsible for their conduct and the results they produce, promoting integrity, trust, and ethical behavior within the system they operate.

accountability, responsibility, transparency, answerability, integrity, ethics, governance, performance, trust

Robert Anderson

CITATION : "Robert Anderson. 'Accountability.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Accountability Definition
Accountability on Design+Encyclopedia

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