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Agile Development

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Agile Development

Agile Development is a methodology primarily used in software design and development that emphasizes flexibility, customer collaboration, and the rapid delivery of small, functional segments of the project, known as iterations or sprints. Unlike traditional development methodologies, such as the Waterfall model, which treat analysis, design, coding, and testing as discrete phases in a project lifecycle, Agile Development integrates these activities continuously throughout the project. This approach allows for adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, with a focus on encouraging flexible responses to change. Agile Development is grounded in the Agile Manifesto, which values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. Historically, Agile Development emerged in the early 2000s as a response to the limitations of traditional software development practices, offering a more dynamic and client-oriented approach. It has since influenced not only software development but also project management and product development across various industries. The methodology supports a variety of frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Development, each with its own set of practices tailored to different types of projects and team dynamics. Agile Development's emphasis on collaboration and flexibility has also led to its adoption beyond the realm of software, impacting how projects are managed and executed in fields as diverse as marketing and manufacturing. Its cultural impact is evident in the growing demand for Agile skills in the job market and its influence on organizational structures and leadership styles, promoting transparency, empowerment, and a focus on delivering value.

Agile Development, Scrum, Iterative Development, Sprint, User Stories, Continuous Integration

Michael Thompson

CITATION : "Michael Thompson. 'Agile Development.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Agile Development

Agile Development is a methodology primarily used in software design and development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Originating in the early 2000s as a response to the limitations of traditional, linear development models like the Waterfall model, Agile Development advocates for iterative progress through small, manageable increments known as sprints. This approach allows teams to adapt to changes quickly and efficiently, fostering a dynamic environment where project objectives can evolve in response to user feedback or shifting market demands. Central to Agile Development is the Agile Manifesto, which outlines key values and principles such as individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. These principles guide the Agile process and its various frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Development. Agile Development not only streamlines project management and product development but also enhances team communication and stakeholder engagement. By focusing on continuous improvement, adaptability, and user-centric design, Agile Development has significantly influenced the field of design, particularly in digital and interaction design. Its impact extends beyond software development, inspiring methodologies in other areas of design and product development. The A' Design Award, recognizing outstanding design work across various categories, also acknowledges projects that embody the Agile philosophy, highlighting its significance in promoting innovation and excellence in the design industry.

agile methodology, software development, iterative process, sprints, Agile Manifesto, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Development, user-centric design

Patricia Johnson

Agile Development Definition
Agile Development on Design+Encyclopedia

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