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Air Handling Installations

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Air Handling Installations

Air handling installations are systems designed to regulate and circulate air within a building or other enclosed space. These systems typically include components such as air filters, fans, ductwork, and heating or cooling elements, and are responsible for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment by controlling factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality. The design and installation of air handling systems is a complex process that requires careful consideration of a variety of factors, including the size and layout of the space being served, the intended use of the space, and the specific needs of the occupants. Properly designed and installed air handling systems can help to reduce energy consumption, improve indoor air quality, and promote occupant comfort and productivity. Air handling systems can be found in a wide range of settings, from residential homes and small commercial buildings to large industrial facilities and hospitals. In each case, the specific requirements of the space and its occupants must be carefully evaluated in order to design an air handling system that is both effective and efficient.

air filters, ductwork, heating, cooling, indoor air quality

Daniel Martin

CITATION : "Daniel Martin. 'Air Handling Installations.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 27, 2024)"

Air Handling Installations Definition
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