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Animal Hides

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Animal Hides

Animal hides, also known as animal skins, are the outer coverings of animals that have been removed and processed for various purposes. The most common animals whose hides are used include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, deer, and kangaroos. Hides are used for a wide range of products, including leather goods such as shoes, belts, jackets, and bags, as well as for furniture, car seats, and sports equipment. The process of preparing animal hides involves several steps, including cleaning, tanning, and finishing. The first step involves removing any flesh, hair, or fat from the hide, followed by soaking it in water to remove any remaining dirt. The tanning process involves treating the hide with chemicals to prevent it from decomposing and to make it more durable. Finally, the hide is finished by applying various treatments to give it the desired texture and appearance. The use of animal hides dates back to prehistoric times, when early humans used them for clothing and shelter. Today, the use of animal hides is still prevalent in many cultures around the world, particularly in regions where traditional crafts and industries are still practiced. However, concerns have been raised about the ethical treatment of animals in the production of hides, as well as the environmental impact of the tanning process.

leather goods, tanning, durability, traditional crafts, ethical treatment

Matthew Robinson

CITATION : "Matthew Robinson. 'Animal Hides.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 25, 2024)"

Animal Hides Definition
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