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Ascots are a type of neckwear that originated in the late 19th century in England. They are typically made of silk or a similar material and are worn by men as a formal accessory. Ascots are similar in appearance to a scarf, but they are much wider and shorter. They are typically worn with a dress shirt and suit jacket, and they are often paired with a waistcoat or vest. The history of ascots can be traced back to the late 19th century, when they were first worn by members of the British upper class. They were originally worn as a more formal alternative to the cravat, which was a popular neckwear option at the time. Ascots quickly became popular among the fashionable elite, and they were soon adopted by men of all classes. Today, ascots are still worn by men on formal occasions, although they are not as common as they once were. They are often seen at weddings, formal dinners, and other events where formal attire is required. Ascots are also sometimes worn by men in the fashion industry as a way to add a touch of sophistication to their outfits. Overall, ascots are a timeless accessory that add a touch of elegance to any outfit. Whether worn with a suit or paired with a more casual outfit, they are sure to make a statement.

neckwear, formal, silk, fashion, elegance

Kevin Martinez

CITATION : "Kevin Martinez. 'Ascots.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 17, 2024)"

Ascots Definition
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