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Alfred Dargis

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Alfred Dargis

Alfred Dargis was an influential American artist who made a significant contribution to the development of abstract expressionism. He was born in San Francisco in 1933 and grew up surrounded by the city's diverse cultures and art. Dargis studied under the tutelage of Richard Diebenkorn and Nathan Oliveira at the San Francisco Art Institute, where he developed a unique interpretation of abstraction in his own work. He was particularly inspired by Diebenkorn's expressive style, which he incorporated into his paintings. Dargis's paintings explore the formal relationships between color, texture, and line, and his work is characterized by its monumental canvases of abstract figures, landscapes, and still lifes. His iconic works, including Arc of Miracles (1962), The City (1963), and The Golden Gate (1988), are housed in many major public and private collections. He had numerous exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia, and his influence on the art world continues to this day. Dargis's legacy as an artist is characterized by his innovative approach to abstract expressionism, which has influenced countless artists since his time. His work explores the boundaries of color, texture, and line, and his use of monumental canvases allows viewers to immerse themselves fully in his abstract worlds. Dargis's contributions to the art world have cemented his place as one of the most important abstract expressionists of the 20th century.

Alfred Dargis, American artist, abstract expressionism, Richard Diebenkorn, Nathan Oliveira, formal relationships, color, texture, line, monumental canvases, innovative approach, boundaries, 20th century

Brian Martinez

CITATION : "Brian Martinez. 'Alfred Dargis.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 16, 2024)"

Alfred Dargis

Alfred Dargis was an American artist known for his abstract expressionist paintings. Born in 1933 in San Francisco, Dargis grew up surrounded by the city's vibrant landscape of diverse cultures and art. He studied under the influential painters such as Richard Diebenkorn and Nathan Oliveira at the San Francisco Art Institute. He was particularly inspired by Diebenkorn's expressive style and developed a unique interpretation of abstraction in his own work. His paintings explore the formal relationships between color, texture and line. He is well known for his monumental canvases of abstract figures, landscapes, and still lifes. Dargis has created many iconic works, including the iconic Arc of Miracles (1962), The City (1963), and The Golden Gate (1988). He has had numerous exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe and Asia, and his works are housed in many major public and private collections.

Alfred Dargis, Abstract Expressionism, American Artist, Art Institute of San Francisco, Richard Diebenkorn, Nathan Oliveira.

Mei Wang

Alfred Dargis Definition
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