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Hectography, also known as gelatin duplicating or jellygraphy, is a printing process that was widely used in the early 20th century for producing multiple copies of handwritten or typewritten documents. The process involves creating a master copy of the document on a special type of paper or plate, known as a hectograph or jelly plate, which is made by soaking gelatin in water and then allowing it to dry. The master copy is then pressed onto a stack of blank sheets of paper, transferring the ink or pigment onto each sheet in turn. Hectography was a popular method of producing low-cost, low-volume publications, such as newsletters, pamphlets, and small books. It was particularly useful for producing materials in languages or scripts that were not easily reproduced by other means, such as Chinese or Arabic. Hectography was also used by artists and designers to create prints and illustrations, as the process allowed for a high degree of control over the final image. Despite its many advantages, hectography had several drawbacks. The process was slow and labor-intensive, as each copy had to be made individually by hand. The quality of the copies was also variable, as the ink or pigment could smudge or blur during the transfer process. In addition, the hectograph plates were fragile and could only be used a limited number of times before they began to deteriorate. Today, hectography is largely obsolete, having been replaced by more efficient and reliable printing technologies such as offset lithography and digital printing. However, the process remains of historical interest and is still used by some artists and hobbyists who appreciate its unique qualities.

gelatin duplicating, jellygraphy, printing process, low-cost publications, Chinese, Arabic

Eric Green

CITATION : "Eric Green. 'Hectographs.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 25, 2024)"

Hectographs Definition
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