Air quotes are a hand gesture used to draw attention to a word or phrase that the speaker wants to emphasize or indicate is not to be taken literally. The gesture involves holding up both hands, with the index and middle fingers on each hand extended and curled to form quotation marks in the air. The fingers are then opened and closed in a pinching motion to indicate the beginning and end of the quoted phrase. The use of air quotes is often associated with sarcasm, irony, or skepticism. They can be used to indicate that a word or phrase is being used ironically or sarcastically, or to indicate that the speaker does not believe the word or phrase to be accurate or truthful. Air quotes can also be used to indicate that a word or phrase is being used in a non-literal sense, such as when a word is being used as a euphemism or metaphor. Air quotes are a common gesture in informal speech, particularly in comedic or sarcastic contexts. They are often used in television shows, movies, and other forms of popular culture to indicate irony or sarcasm. While air quotes are not a formal part of grammar or punctuation, they have become a popular way of indicating emphasis or sarcasm in spoken language.
hand gesture, emphasis, sarcasm, skepticism, informal speech
CITATION : "Daniel Scott. 'Air Quotes.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on March 06, 2025)"
Air Quotes is an image composition technique used to draw a character's hand gestures in anime, comics, or manga. It is done by drawing two fingers on both hands of a character and making an air quote shape with them. This hand gesture is used to emphasize the use of quotation marks to add emphasis to the character's words, or to convey a sense of irony. As a visual guide, it highlights the idea that the character is speaking sarcastically or ironically, making it a great tool for conveying emotions or adding humour to a comic or manga.
Air Quotes, Image Composition, Anime, Comic, Manga, Drawings, Characters, Hand Gestures, Quotation Marks, Irony, Emphasis, Sarcastic, Humour.
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