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Intelligent Videodisc Players

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Intelligent Videodisc Players

Intelligent videodisc players, also known as interactive videodisc players, are electronic devices that are capable of playing interactive multimedia content stored on videodiscs. These players were first introduced in the late 1970s and early 1980s and were primarily used for educational and training purposes. They were designed to provide an interactive learning experience by allowing users to navigate through various multimedia elements, such as text, images, and video, using a remote control or a keyboard. Intelligent videodisc players work by reading data stored on a videodisc and converting it into audio and video signals that can be displayed on a television or a monitor. The data on the videodisc is stored in a spiral track that is read by a laser beam. The player uses a microprocessor to interpret the data and control the playback of the multimedia content. The player also includes a variety of input/output ports, such as RS-232, parallel, and serial ports, that allow it to communicate with other devices, such as computers and printers. One of the key features of intelligent videodisc players is their ability to provide interactive content. This is achieved through the use of menus and branching structures that allow users to choose their own path through the content. For example, a user might be presented with a menu of options, such as Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Conclusion. Depending on the option chosen, the player will play a different segment of the videodisc. This allows users to customize their learning experience and explore the content at their own pace. In addition to their educational applications, intelligent videodisc players were also used for entertainment purposes. They were used to create interactive games and simulations, as well as to provide interactive experiences for movies and music videos. However, with the advent of digital media and the internet, the use of videodiscs and intelligent videodisc players has declined significantly.

interactive, multimedia, educational, microprocessor, branching

Joseph Walker

CITATION : "Joseph Walker. 'Intelligent Videodisc Players.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 08, 2024)"

Intelligent Videodisc Players Definition
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