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Appeal To Tradition

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Appeal To Tradition

Appeal to Tradition is a fallacy that occurs when an argument is made based on the premise that something is true or beneficial simply because it has been accepted or practiced for a long time. This type of argumentation assumes that because something has been done a certain way for a long time, it must be the right way to do it. This type of reasoning is flawed because it ignores the possibility that the tradition may have been established for reasons that are no longer relevant or that the tradition may have been based on faulty reasoning or misinformation. Appeal to Tradition is often used in debates over social and political issues, where people may argue that a particular practice or belief is valid simply because it has been a part of their culture or tradition for a long time. This type of reasoning can be particularly dangerous when it is used to justify harmful or discriminatory practices, as it can prevent people from questioning the status quo and seeking out more equitable solutions. One example of Appeal to Tradition is the argument that women should not be allowed to vote because it has never been done before. This type of reasoning ignores the fact that traditions can and should change over time as society evolves and new information becomes available. In order to avoid Appeal to Tradition, it is important to critically evaluate the reasons behind a particular tradition or practice and to consider whether it is still relevant and beneficial in the present day. It is also important to be open to new ideas and to be willing to challenge established norms when they are found to be harmful or unjust.

fallacy, argumentation, culture, discrimination, tradition

Jason Scott

CITATION : "Jason Scott. 'Appeal To Tradition.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 05, 2024)"

Appeal To Tradition

Appeal To Tradition is a cognitive bias in which an argument is made based on the assumption that something is correct or beneficial simply because it is a part of an established, long-standing tradition. It is considered to be a logical fallacy because it fails to take into consideration the fact that many traditions have no real basis in fact or logic and may also be outdated. This type of thinking is often used to push a particular agenda or to gain acceptance for a particular viewpoint or decision. This type of bias can lead to an individual or group making decisions or taking actions that are based solely on the fact that it has always been done in the past, without taking into consideration whether or not it is still relevant or beneficial.

Appeal To Tradition, Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies

Jessica Adams

Appeal To Tradition Definition
Appeal To Tradition on Design+Encyclopedia

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