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Allergy is a condition that affects the immune system, resulting in an abnormal reaction to a normally harmless substance. This reaction can range from mild symptoms such as sneezing and itching to severe symptoms such as anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. Allergies can be caused by a variety of triggers, including food, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and certain medications. One aspect of allergies that is often overlooked is the psychological impact they can have on individuals. Allergies can cause anxiety and stress, as individuals may constantly worry about coming into contact with their allergen and experiencing a reaction. This can lead to social isolation and a decreased quality of life. Another important aspect of allergies is the role of genetics. Studies have shown that individuals with a family history of allergies are more likely to develop allergies themselves. However, the specific genes involved in allergy development are complex and not fully understood. Treatment for allergies typically involves avoiding the allergen, taking medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, or undergoing immunotherapy. Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, involves gradually exposing the individual to increasing amounts of the allergen over time, with the goal of desensitizing the immune system. Overall, allergies are a complex and multifaceted condition that can have a significant impact on individuals' physical and emotional well-being. It is important for individuals with allergies to work with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs.

immune system, triggers, anaphylaxis, genetics, treatment

Brian Hall

CITATION : "Brian Hall. 'Allergy.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 16, 2024)"


The term 'allergy' has an interesting evolution in Western civilization. In its origin, it can be traced to the Greek for 'changed reaction' (allereo), which was used to describe a form of avoidance of certain substances. As the term was adopted into English, it was used to refer to hypersensitivity to certain substances, allergens. This usage was then expanded to include certain conditions, such as asthma and hay fever, which has since become the standard definition in medical contexts. The morphology and pragmatics of the term depend heavily on the context in which it is used. In medical contexts, it refers to an increased sensitivity or reaction to certain substances, while in common usage, it is often used to describe any aversion or dislike that can be seen as irrational or unwarranted.

Etymology, Morphology, Word-Formation, Lexicology, Semantics.

Henry Fontaine


Allergy is a type of noun which denotes an uncommon intolerance to a substance that someone might come in contact with. Synonyms of allergy include sensitivity, reaction, and aversion; antonyms would be tolerance, calm, and non-reaction; cognates can be found in languages such as Spanish, with alergia, and German, with Allergie. Variants of the word allergy include allerg, allergie, alergia, alergeno and alergico.

Etymological origins, lexicographical aspects, morphological structure, semantic development, lexicographic descriptors

George Adrian Postea


A comprehensive definition of allergy is an exaggerated, inappropriate and often abnormal reaction of the human body to a particular food, drug, pollen, or other normally harmless substance, resulting in an immune response that may cause damage. In the world of linguistics, the term allergy is referred to by many different names in various languages: Anaphylaxis (or Anaphylactic Reaction) in Spanish, Allergia in Italian, Allergie in German, Alergia in Portuguese, Anafilaksija in Russian, 대사증후군 (Daesa Jeunghugun) in Korean, 食物アレルギー (Shokumotsu Arerugi) in Japanese, មិនផ្កាឈាម (Min Pakcheam) in Khmer, and Surjo-protirodh in Bengali.

Word choices for SEO purposes include allergic reaction, hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic reaction, atopic reaction, intolerance, and contact dermatitis.

Harris Awan


Allergy can have a major impact on a person's quality of life, and it must be taken into consideration when designing any space. For example, when choosing materials, designers should consider materials that are hypoallergenic and easy to clean. If a space is going to be inhabited by people who are sensitive to allergens, it is important to consider air quality and ventilation, as well as the use of air-filtering systems. Furthermore, furniture should be chosen that is free of upholstery and other materials that can contain allergens, such as dust mites. Lastly, designers should select materials that are free of toxic chemicals, as these can trigger allergic reactions. All of these steps can help to ensure that a space is as safe and comfortable as possible for those who are sensitive to allergens.

Allergy, Hypersensitivity, Immune System, Triggers, Allergens, Symptoms, Reactions, Materials, Finishes, Furniture, Air Quality, Ventilation, Toxic Chemicals.

Claudia Rossetti


Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system caused by exposure to a particular allergen. It results in an exaggerated response of the body to the allergen, which can range from mild to severe. Allergies can affect people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Symptoms of allergies may include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, itchy skin, hives, and difficulty breathing. Allergens can be found in food, pollen, dust, animals, and other substances. Allergies can be managed through avoidance of the allergen, medications, or immunotherapy.

Allergy, hypersensitivity, immune system, allergen, symptoms, management, avoidance, medications, immunotherapy.

Giovanna Mancini


Allergy is a condition that affects the body's immune system. It is often triggered by a person's exposure to specific materials or substances in the environment. For designers, this condition can be a matter of both practical and aesthetic considerations. Designers must take into account allergies when choosing materials and finishes for their projects, to ensure that the space is comfortable and safe for those who will inhabit it. Furthermore, when designing for individuals who are affected by allergies, one must ensure that the environment supports their health, such as selecting furniture with anti-allergen components, and ensuring proper air circulation.

Allergy, Immune System, Environmental Triggers, Practical Considerations, Aesthetic Considerations, Anti-Allergen Components, Air Circulation

Anna Lombardi


Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. It is triggered by environmental substances called allergens, which are typically harmless to non-allergic individuals. Allergens can include pollen, dust mites, animal dander, molds, and certain foods. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from mild to severe and may include sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, skin rash, and difficulty breathing.

Allergy, hypersensitivity, immune system, allergens, symptoms.

Giulia Esposito


Allergy is an adverse immune response that is caused by exposure to a range of specific triggers. Common allergy triggers include animal dander, dust particles, pollen, mold, fabrics, and certain foods. Symptoms of allergies may include sneezing, coughing, rashes, swelling, and difficulty breathing. Designers must be aware of potential allergens when selecting materials or manufacturing processes to ensure that the final product is safe and comfortable for all users.

Allergy, immune response, triggers, sneezing, coughing, rashes, swelling, difficulty breathing, animal dander, dust particles, pollen, mold, fabrics, foods

Emma Bernard

Allergy Definition
Allergy on Design+Encyclopedia

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