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Invalids’ Carriages

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Invalids’ Carriages

Invalids’ carriages, also known as invalid carriages or invalid chairs, are specialized vehicles designed to transport individuals with mobility impairments. These carriages are typically powered by electricity or manual force, and are equipped with features such as adjustable seats, footrests, and safety belts to ensure the comfort and safety of the passenger. The history of invalids’ carriages dates back to the early 19th century, when individuals with mobility impairments were often confined to their homes due to the lack of suitable transportation options. The introduction of the first invalid carriage, known as the Bath chair, in 1783 revolutionized the way individuals with mobility impairments were able to move around. These carriages were initially powered by horses, but with the advent of electricity, they were later fitted with electric motors. Today, invalids’ carriages are widely used in hospitals, care homes, and private residences to transport individuals with mobility impairments. They are available in a range of sizes and designs to accommodate different needs, and can be customized with additional features such as oxygen tanks and IV poles. Despite their many benefits, invalids’ carriages are not without their limitations. They can be expensive to purchase and maintain, and may not be suitable for use in certain environments such as rough terrain or steep inclines. Additionally, some individuals may find them stigmatizing or may prefer to use other mobility aids such as wheelchairs or crutches.

mobility impairments, electric motors, adjustable seats, safety belts, stigmatizing

Jeffrey Anderson

CITATION : "Jeffrey Anderson. 'Invalids’ Carriages.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 08, 2024)"

Invalids’ Carriages Definition
Invalids’ Carriages on Design+Encyclopedia

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