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Chinese Checkers As Games

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Chinese Checkers As Games

Chinese checkers, also known as Marble Game or Stern-Halma, is a classic board game that originated in Germany in the late 19th century. Despite its name, the game is not actually a variation of checkers, nor is it of Chinese origin. The game is played on a hexagonal board with 121 holes, arranged in a star shape. The objective of the game is to be the first player to move all of their pieces from their starting corner to the opposite corner of the board. The game is typically played by two to six players, and each player starts with 10 marbles or pegs of the same color. Players take turns moving one marble at a time, either by hopping over their own or their opponents' marbles in a straight line, or by making multiple hops in a single turn. The game requires strategy and planning, as players must balance the need to move their own pieces with the need to block their opponents' moves. Chinese checkers has remained a popular game for over a century, and has been adapted into various electronic and online versions. The game's simple rules and colorful board make it accessible to players of all ages, and it has become a staple of family game nights and casual gatherings.

Board game, hexagonal board, strategy, marbles, family game night

Mark Lopez

CITATION : "Mark Lopez. 'Chinese Checkers As Games.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on January 02, 2025)"

Chinese Checkers As Games Definition
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