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Animated Cartoons In The Form Of Cinematographic Films

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Animated Cartoons In The Form Of Cinematographic Films

Animated cartoons in the form of cinematographic films, commonly known as animated movies, are a form of motion picture that combines the art of animation with the storytelling of cinema. These films are typically created by animators who use various techniques to bring characters and settings to life on the screen. The history of animated movies dates back to the early 20th century, when pioneers such as Walt Disney and Max Fleischer began experimenting with the medium. Animated movies are typically created using a variety of techniques, including traditional hand-drawn animation, computer-generated imagery (CGI), stop-motion animation, and rotoscoping. These techniques allow animators to create a wide range of styles and visual effects, from the classic hand-drawn look of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the photorealistic CGI of Pixar's Toy Story. One of the key features of animated movies is their ability to appeal to audiences of all ages. While many animated movies are marketed towards children, they often contain themes and messages that are relevant to adults as well. For example, Pixar's Up explores themes of loss and aging, while Disney's The Lion King deals with issues of family and responsibility. Animated movies have become an increasingly important part of the entertainment industry, with many of the highest-grossing films of all time being animated movies. They have also been recognized by the Academy Awards, with a separate category for Best Animated Feature introduced in 2001.

animation, cinema, storytelling, techniques, appeal

John Thompson

CITATION : "John Thompson. 'Animated Cartoons In The Form Of Cinematographic Films.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 07, 2024)"

Animated Cartoons In The Form Of Cinematographic Films Definition
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