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Armbands are pieces of clothing or accessories that are worn around the upper arm, typically just above the elbow. They have been used for various purposes throughout history, from functional to decorative. In ancient times, armbands were often worn by soldiers as a way to identify their rank or allegiance. In modern times, armbands are commonly used in sports as a way to distinguish between teams or to signify a player's position on the field. Armbands can be made from a variety of materials, including fabric, leather, and metal. They can be plain or decorated with embroidery, beading, or other embellishments. Some armbands are designed to be adjustable, while others are meant to be worn snugly around the arm. In addition to their functional uses, armbands have also been used as a form of self-expression. In the punk and goth subcultures, for example, armbands made of leather or spikes are often worn as a symbol of rebellion. Similarly, in the LGBTQ+ community, rainbow-colored armbands are sometimes worn as a symbol of pride. Overall, armbands have a rich history and continue to be used for a variety of purposes today. Whether they are worn for practical reasons or as a fashion statement, they remain a popular accessory.

clothing, accessories, sports, self-expression, history

James Hall

CITATION : "James Hall. 'Armbands.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Armbands Definition
Armbands on Design+Encyclopedia

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