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An addendum is a supplementary document that is added to an existing document to provide additional information or to make changes to the original content. It is commonly used in legal, contractual, and architectural contexts to modify or expand upon the terms and conditions of an agreement or to provide new guidance on a project. Addenda can also be used in other fields, such as graphic design, to provide further insight into visual elements of a design or to recommend changes and refinements for a finalized product. One important aspect of addenda is that they must be included as part of the original document and cannot be considered separate from it. This means that they are legally binding and must be taken into account when interpreting the terms of the agreement. Addenda are typically issued after the original document has been signed, but before work has begun on the project. Another key aspect of addenda is that they must be clear and concise in their purpose and content. They should provide only the necessary information and avoid redundancy or unnecessary details. This is important to ensure that the addendum is easily understood and that there is no confusion or ambiguity in its meaning. In summary, an addendum is a supplementary document that is added to an existing document to provide additional information or to make changes to the original content. It is legally binding and must be included as part of the original document. Addenda should be clear and concise in their purpose and content to avoid confusion or ambiguity.

supplementary, legal, contractual, architectural, binding

Charles Williams


Addendum is an appendix, supplement, or addition to a document in architecture. It is used to add information and make changes to an existing document without altering the original document. The addendum may contain additional drawings, revised specifications, design changes, or other materials that supplement the existing document. The addendum can also provide additional information that was not included in the original document, such as a cost estimate or a schedule for a project.

Architecture, Design, Drafting, Modification, Construction

Michael Adams

CITATION : "Michael Adams. 'Addendum.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Masonry is a type of construction that utilizes blocks of stone, brick, or concrete and mortar to form a wall or other structure. An addendum is an addition to a document that modifies, expands, or supersedes its original content. In architecture, an addendum is an additional document in a contract or other agreement that provides additional information or clarification on a specific issue. It is often used to revise the terms of the agreement, provide new guidance on the project, or add details that had not been included in the original document. Addenda are typically issued after a contract has been signed, but before work has begun on the project.

Specifications, plans, building codes, permits, cost estimates, payment schedules, warranties, drawings, materials, labor, safety requirements, deadlines, and insurance are all common topics for addenda in architecture.

Shelly Stone


As a graphic designer, understanding and utilizing addenda is essential to effective communication around both conceptual and design decisions. An addendum is an appendix, or supplement, to an existing document containing additional information that is not included in the original. Addenda are often used to provide clarification, emphasis or additional detail that may not have been appropriate to include in the original document. The purpose of an addendum is to draw attention to certain aspects of the document that require further discussion or action. In graphic design, addenda can be used to explain the context and motivations behind particular design choices, to provide further insight into visual elements of the design, or to recommend changes and refinements for a finalized product.

Colour, typography, hierarchy, contrast, concept.

Rachel Lewis


As its origin suggests, an addendum is an addition to a document, most commonly used in the context of a design contract. Addendums are useful when there is a need to expand on the content of the original contract or to add amendments to the terms and conditions. They are also used to document any changes that have been made to the design work, either during the creative process or after the contract has been signed. While an addendum is different from an appendix, as the latter is a reference material, an addendum must be included as part of the contract, containing any additional details that are essential for the completion of the design project.

Creativity, Modification, Expansion, Documentation, Amendment.

James Wilson

Addendum Definition
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