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Good Atrium
Good Atrium
Good Atrium

Atrium is an architectural feature that refers to a large open space, often several stories high, located within a building. It is typically a central area that is surrounded by a building's upper floors, and it is often topped with a glass roof or large windows to allow natural light to enter the space. Atriums are designed to create a sense of spaciousness and grandeur, and they often serve as a focal point for the building's interior design. In addition to providing a visually striking space, atriums also serve practical functions such as improving air circulation, providing a space for social interaction and events, and enhancing the overall energy efficiency of the building. Atriums can be found in a variety of building types, including office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, and public institutions such as libraries and museums. The design of an atrium can vary widely, from simple and functional to elaborate and ornate, depending on the style and purpose of the building. Some notable examples of buildings with impressive atriums include the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, the Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California, and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.

open space, natural light, interior design, energy efficiency, social interaction

John Armstrong


Atrium, as a term, has a long and varied history. Architecturally, the atrium, or 'atrium house', was a common form of housing in Ancient Rome, characterized by an open-air courtyard surrounded by several columns, and a roof. This form of architecture allowed for light and air to enter the space, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The atrium was also a common feature of the great basilicas of Late Antiquity, usually set in the center of the church, with a large open area for gathering and worship. In the Middle Ages, atria were used for both secular and religious purposes, such as for private residences, manorial courts, and monasteries. During the Renaissance, the atrium evolved in style and form, becoming a popular feature of the grand palaces of the nobility. Today, the atrium is still a common feature of many buildings, often used as an entrance hall, or to provide a light-filled space for gathering and leisure activities.

Courtyard, architecture, housing, basilica, Renaissance.

Mark Wilson


Masonry is a type of architecture that has existed for centuries and is still used today. An atrium is a large, open space, typically in the center of a building, that is surrounded by walls and often has a skylight or other openings in the ceiling. In classical architecture, an atrium was a central court or hall, often surrounded by a colonnade, which served as an open-air gathering place or meeting area. In modern architecture, an atrium can be used as an interior feature to add natural light, ventilation, and visual interest to a building. It can also provide a relaxing area for people to gather, as well as a place to display artwork or other objects. Atriums can be constructed in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles.

Atrium, Open Space, Skylight, Columns, Ventilation.

Shelly Stone


An atrium is a type of architectural structure commonly found in larger buildings such as office complexes, schools, and hospitals. It is typically an open-air space surrounded by a roof and walls, and often includes a garden or plants. The atrium is often used to allow natural light to enter the building, and to provide an open area for people to gather and socialize. It also serves an important structural purpose, as it helps to distribute the weight of the building and can provide additional space for the building's mechanical systems. Atriums have been used in architecture for centuries, and continue to be an important part of modern design.

Light, Garden, Structure, Function, Natural.

Michael Adams

CITATION : "Michael Adams. 'Atrium.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Atrium is a Latin term originating from the Proto-Italic language and ultimately derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *at- meaning to burn, heat up. The term was first attested in the writings of Cicero and was used to describe a large central room in Roman villas with a skylight in the roof to provide light and ventilation. The atrium was a large, open space, often decorated with frescoes or mosaics to give it an airy feel, and was likely the most impressive room in a Roman household. Through the medieval period, the term atrium was used to describe any open, large room, such as those found in monasteries, castles, and town halls. In more modern times, the term atrium has come to refer to the main lobby of a large building, such as a hotel or office complex, where visitors can be received. The term also has a morphological connotation as it is derived from the Latin noun “atrium” meaning a large room, connecting to the Latin verb “atior” meaning to make wider and more open. From a pragmatics perspective, the word “atrium” conveys a sense of open space and grandeur.

Etymology, Morphology, Pragmatics, Roman, Indo-European

Henry Fontaine


Classified as a noun, the word ‘Atrium’ is derived from the Latin noun ‘Atrĭum’, which is the central and most visible cavity of a house. Semantically speaking, the word ‘atrium’ could be used to refer to a spacious room within a building, usually located at the central focus of the structure. Synonyms include hall, foyer, entrance, vestibule, lobby, and forecourt, among others. Antonyms include bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, or any other part of the building which is situated away from the central focus. Cognates of ‘Atrium’ include ‘Atriear’ or ‘Atriums’ in English, while speaking within the Spanish language, cognates of the word ‘Atrium’ include ‘Atrio’ or ‘Atrios’. Variants of the word ‘Atrium’ include ‘atriums’, ‘atria’ and ‘atriums’.

Etymology, Morphology, Lexicology, Semantics, Lexicography

George Adrian Postea


Atrium is a Latin word for a large room or chamber in the center of a Roman-style dwelling or within a public building, used for light and ventilation. It is an architectural structure intended to provide a wide open space within a building and is often used in residential and public buildings to provide natural light and air. In other languages, the words used to refer to an atrium are often derivatives of its original Latin meaning, or related terms that signify the same basic concept. This includes French atrium, Spanish atrios, Italian atri, German atrium, Portuguese atrium, Russian atrium, Turkish atrium, Chinese atrium, Dutch atrium, and Greek atrium. Other words for an atrium include vestibule, atrium, courtyard, foyer, plaza, and court.

Atrium equivalents in other languages are French atrium, Spanish atrios, Italian atri, German atrium, Portuguese atrium, Russian atrium, Turkish atrium, Chinese atrium, Dutch atrium, Greek atrium, vestibule, courtyard, foyer, plaza, and court. SEO terms t

Harris Awan


Atrium is a term used in architecture to describe a large, usually open-air central courtyard in a building. This type of courtyard is usually surrounded by walls or other architectural features and typically serves as a gathering place or public space. Atriums can be found in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, and are often used to bring light and air into the interior of the building. The use of an atrium can help improve the environment and energy efficiency of a building, as well as making it more aesthetically pleasing. Atriums can also be used to create visual interest in a building, especially if the building has multiple stories.

Atrium, Architecture, Courtyard, Building Design.

Ji-Soo Park


An atrium is a common feature in architecture, particularly in larger buildings. It is an open-air area typically situated in the central part of a building, and often surrounded by walls or partial walls. This type of space typically has high ceilings, allowing natural light to flood into the building, and is usually the focal point of the interior design. Often, atriums are used to create an inviting atmosphere, or to provide a connection to the outdoors or to other parts of the building. Depending on the size and design of the building, the atrium might be used for a variety of purposes, including a seating or gathering area, or even a small garden.

Atrium, architecture, design, interior, natural light.

Lauren Moore


Atrium is a type of architecture that is characterized by an open central court that is surrounded by a series of rooms. It is typically found in ancient Roman dwellings, and is often used to provide natural light and ventilation to the interior spaces. Atrium architecture is also commonly used in modern-day buildings, such as shopping malls, office buildings, and other public spaces. Atrium designs typically feature a large, open space that is often filled with plants, sculptures, and other decorative elements.

Atrium architecture, open court, interior spaces, natural light, ventilation, shopping malls, office buildings.

Robert Johnson

Atrium Definition
Atrium on Design+Encyclopedia

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