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Accomplishments can be seen as an achievement or success that a person has made. In other words, it is the mark of excellence a person has gained or the progress they have made. In order to communicate the concept of accomplishments in different languages and cultures, there is a necessity for a precise understanding the concept. Some other words which could substitute for the concept of ‘accomplishments’ include: success, victory, feat, attainment, coup, achievement, triumph, breakthrough, success, feat, deed, and performance in English. In French, it can be referred to as exploit, promotion, meritorie, credit, tour de force, exploit, performance and haut fait. In German, words like Anteil, gelungene, Erfolge, Anerkennung, Auszeichnung and Tapferkeit are synonyms for accomplishments. Finally, in Spanish, it could be referred to as progreso, triunfo, merito, logro, rendimiento, éxito, alcanzar, realización, hazaña, y salto.

Accomplishment, success, victory, feat, attainment, coup, achievement, triumph, breakthrough, deed, performance, exploit, promotion, meritorie, credit, tour de force, exploit, performance, haut fait, Anteil, gelungene, Erfolge, Anerkennung, Auszeichnung,

Harris Awan

CITATION : "Harris Awan. 'Accomplishments.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Classifying accomplishments as a part of speech, it is most accurately considered a noun. Synonyms may include any words within the semantic field of achievement, such as success, gain, attainment, acquisition, etc., while antonyms could be failure, loss, and defeat. Cognates of this noun include the French accomplissement or the Spanish logro. Variants of the word accomplishments might include accomplishment, accomplish, and accomplisher.

Processing language, term formation, semantic development, language family, history of words, diachronic shifts

George Adrian Postea


The origin of the word ‘accomplishments’ transcends throughout time and space across the linguistic landscape. The term is derived from the Latin root ‘accomplire’ which is translated as ‘to make perfect’. This root gestates a deeper connection to the concept of completeness, displaying the notion that empowerment comes in completing a task. The etymological evolution of this term displays its semantic progression from a state of incompleteness to a state of completeness. The morphemes are ‘ac’ which translated as ‘to’ and ‘complire’ which means ‘complete’ and therefore the combination of the two creates a sense of accomplishment. The Morpheme ‘complire’ gives a deeper historical insight as it can be traced back to the Latin ‘comples’ or ‘to fill’ and therefore, when combined with the ‘ac’ morpheme, it creates an idea of ‘filling to perfection’ in an attempt to reach a state of completeness. On a pragmatic level, this word has been reconstructed to embody the concept of success.

Etymology, Morphology, Accomplishments, Historical, Latin

Henry Fontaine


Accomplishments in the context of marketing your business, advertising products or services, and building brand value can be defined as certifications, awards, or other acknowledgements of success which demonstrate excellence in the respective field. Participation in a reputable design awards such as the A' Design Awards publicizes, acknowledges and validates a company's accomplishments to the world. This helps to increase the company's visibility, credibility, and trustworthiness with their customers, as well as boosts their brand value and encourages pride within their employees. By both winning awards and simply appearing on the ballot for the A' Design Awards, a company is able to build an impressive portfolio, helping them to stand out from their competition.

Design awards, recognition, excellence, publicity, credibility.

Silvia Greco

Accomplishments Definition
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