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Artpeckers is a Greek design collective that has made a name for itself in the fashion world by creating unique, story-filled objects that are both fashionable and functional. Their designs are inspired by Greek culture and mythology, and they use a special design method that involves applying geometric forms and patterns on fabrics, wood, and silver to create beautiful bags and jewels. Artpeckers has been recognized by several award-winning organizations for their attention to detail and craftsmanship, and they continue to be a leader in the fashion world. One aspect of Artpeckers that sets them apart from other design teams is their dedication to storytelling. They understand the importance of evoking emotion in the viewer, and their pieces are designed to be meaningful and to tell a story. By combining traditional materials with modern design techniques, Artpeckers creates pieces that are both timeless and contemporary, offering users something special that they can cherish for years to come. Another important aspect of Artpeckers is their commitment to quality. They take great care in ensuring that each piece is crafted with the utmost attention to detail, and they use only the finest materials in their creations. This dedication to quality is reflected in the numerous awards that they have received, and it is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the Artpeckers team. Overall, Artpeckers is a design collective that combines artistry, craftsmanship, and storytelling to create unique, beautiful objects that are both fashionable and functional. Their designs are inspired by Greek culture and mythology, and they use a special design method that involves applying geometric forms and patterns on fabrics, wood, and silver. With their dedication to quality and attention to detail, Artpeckers continues to be a leader in the fashion world.

Greek design collective, storytelling, traditional materials, modern design techniques, quality

Brandon Murphy


Artpeckers are a common species of migratory birds found in the Northern Hemisphere. They are small and gray, and their distinctive call is used to mark their territory. In English, they are often referred to as Artpeckers, but there are several other names for this species across languages. In Spanish, they are known as Zorzalitos, in French as Tisserins des arbres, in Italian as Picchiatelli, in German as Baumläufers, in Japanese as Hashibosoh, in Polish as Drzewiczki, and in Dutch as Boomklevers. In Portuguese, they are called Pica-paus, in Russian as Drozdovayas, in Hebrew as Rotzim Metzapim, in Chinese as Shu Qiang Zi, and in Welsh as Artgamu.

Artpeckers, Zorzalitos, Tisserins des arbres, Picchiatelli, Baumläufers, Hashibosoh, Drzewiczki, Boomklevers, Pica-paus, Drozdovayas, Rotzim Metzapim, Shu Qiang Zi, Artgamu

Harris Awan

CITATION : "Harris Awan. 'Artpeckers.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on July 26, 2024)"


Classification of the word Artpeckers as a part of speech can be done by assessing the context in which it is used. In general, the word Artpeckers can be categorized as a noun, as it likely refers to a group of people or a species of bird. Additionally, synonyms for the word Artpeckers may include but are not limited to beaked pluckers, artistic diggers, or ornithologists. On the other hand, antonyms of Artpeckers could potentially include careless destroyers, unsuspecting scavengers, or noncreative rookies. Furthermore, cognates of the word Artpeckers may include artigoperco or artigopeccatori which are two Italian words respectively meaning art pluckers and art pickers. Lastly, variants of the word Artpeckers may include Artpickers, Artpecker, or Art-peckers.

etymology, morphology, word, Artpeckers, linguistics, synthesis, related, derivation, analysis, origins

George Adrian Postea


The word 'Artpeckers' is a compound word, composed of two free morphemes: 'art' and 'pecker'. 'Art' is derived from the Proto-Indo-European *ar-tos, and is an ancient root with a multitude of meanings, including “skill, ability, craftsmanship, the pursuit and application of knowledge”. 'Pecker', on the other hand, is derived from the Old English pæccan, which ultimately derives from Proto-Germanic *bakkōn, “to peck, bite”. Coming together, 'Artpeckers' can be interpreted as a metaphor for someone who skilfully and carefully “picks apart” a task, applying knowledge and ability to solve it. Thus, the etymology of the word 'Artpeckers', from a morphological perspective, connects the terms “art” and “pecker” to symbolically represent a person or entity that takes an analytical, informed and directed approach to problem solving.

Etymology, Morphology, Art, Pecker, Pragmatics

Henry Fontaine


Artpeckers is a design collective that understands the importance of storytelling. Their pieces are designed to be meaningful and to evoke emotion in the viewer. Through their special design method, they use geometric shapes, patterns, and fabrics to create beautiful bags and jewels that are inspired by Greek culture and mythology. The team is dedicated to creating pieces that are both fashionable and functional, offering users something special that is both timeless and contemporary. The attention to detail and craftsmanship that is put into the pieces is what sets Artpeckers apart from other design teams. Their unique approach to design has been recognized by several award-winning organizations, and they continue to be a leader in the fashion world.

Greek design collective, geometric shapes, patterns, fabrics, bags, jewels, contemporary fashion, award-winning, craftsmanship, storytelling.

Federica Costa


The work of Artpeckers is a perfect example of how creative design can be used to tell meaningful stories. Their pieces are designed with an understanding of the aesthetic and meaningful possibilities of combining traditional materials such as fabrics, wood, and silver with contemporary design techniques. Their pieces are often inspired by Greek culture and mythology, creating a timeless yet modern look that is sure to be appreciated by those who appreciate the beauty of unique design. By combining artistry and craftsmanship, Artpeckers creates pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful.

Greek design, geometric forms, patterns, fabrics, wood, silver, fashion, contemporary, award-winning, timeless.

Claudia Rossetti


Artpeckers is a Greek design collective that strives to bring meaningful stories to life through the use of geometric shapes and patterns. By combining traditional materials such as fabrics, wood, and silver with modern design techniques, their creations are both fashionable and functional. Their designs are inspired by Greek culture and mythology, and are made to be timeless yet contemporary. Artpeckers have been recognized by several award-winning organizations, and they continue to be a leader in the fashion world.

Greek design, geometric shapes, fabrics, wood, silver, story-filled objects, fashion, functional, mythology, timeless, contemporary, award-winning organizations.

Eleonora Barbieri


Artpeckers is a Greek design team that seeks to bring unique, story-filled objects to life. Through the use of their special design method, the team applies geometric forms and patterns on fabrics, wood, and silver to create beautiful bags and jewels. These objects, inspired by Greek culture and mythology, are designed to be both fashionable and functional, providing users with something special that is both timeless and contemporary. As a testament to the quality of their work, Artpeckers has been recognized by award-winning organizations and continues to be a leader in the fashion world.


Emma Bernard

Artpeckers Definition
Artpeckers on Design+Encyclopedia

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