Plasterwork is a versatile material that has been used for centuries in construction and decoration. It is made from a mixture of gypsum plaster, sand, and/or lime, along with other additives and/or fibers. This mixture is spread over a wall surface or structure and then set by drying. Plasterwork is often used to create a smooth and even surface while also providing a range of decorative effects such as reliefs, moldings, and architectural details. It is also used to provide sound insulation and fire-resistance to an internal wall. One of the unique aspects of plasterwork is its ability to be molded and shaped into a wide variety of forms. Plaster can be cast into intricate designs and patterns, making it a popular choice for creating ornate ceilings, cornices, and other decorative elements. Plasterwork can also be used to create sculptures and other three-dimensional artworks. Another key aspect of plasterwork is its durability. When properly applied and maintained, plasterwork can last for many years without cracking or crumbling. This makes it a popular choice for both interior and exterior applications. Despite its many benefits, plasterwork does have some drawbacks. It can be difficult and time-consuming to apply, and requires a skilled craftsman to achieve the desired results. Additionally, plasterwork can be prone to cracking and other forms of damage if it is not properly maintained. In summary, plasterwork is a versatile and durable material that has been used for centuries in construction and decoration. Its ability to be molded and shaped into a wide variety of forms makes it a popular choice for creating ornate and decorative elements. However, its application requires skill and attention to detail, and it must be properly maintained to ensure its longevity.
gypsum plaster, sand, lime, decorative effects, sound insulation, fire-resistance, molded, durability, skilled craftsman, cracking
Plasterwork is a Noun, and is a type of building or decorative material usually composed of a hardened mixture of gypsum and sand particles. Synonyms for Plasterwork include gypsum wall construction, ornamental plasterwork, and ornamental wall construction, whereas antonyms include decay, disintegration and destruction. When looking at cognates, plasterwork shares its origin with the Latin word plastrum, referring to a thin coating or layer, and can also be linked to the Old English word plæster, meaning a finely ground up powder. Variants of the word Plasterwork include plasterer, plastering, plastery and plastron.
Morphology, Definition, Building, Decorative, Gypsum, Construction, Plate Work, Ornamental, Latin, Origin, Coating, Layer, Old English, Powder, Variants, Plasterer, Plastering, Plastery, Plastron.
CITATION : "George Adrian Postea. 'Plasterwork.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on February 07, 2025)"
The word Plasterwork is one of the oldest terms in English referring to a range of construction techniques. It has been recorded in English since the 14th century, being derived from the Middle English plastren and further from the Old French plastrer, which in turn is related to the Latin paxillus. Plasterwork has been used throughout history, with some ancient examples still in existence, and refers to the laborious but beautiful decorative technique of covering wood frame walls with a mixture of water, sand, and lime (or plaster). The word ‘plasterwork’ is also used to describe the lines and shapes created by the application of the plaster. It may also refer to the artwork produced, including the ornamental pattern, moldings, and other decorative motifs as well as the thickness of the plaster and the model used. Morphologically and pragmatically, ‘plasterwork’ can refer to objects and designs created for both private and public contexts, from walls, ceilings and mouldings to friezes, medallions and sculptures.
Etymology, Morphology, Language, Historical, Decorative, Design.
Plasterwork is a type of construction or decoration material used in buildings that consists of a mixture of gypsum plaster, sand, and/or lime, along with other additives and/or fibers. It is spread over a wall surface or structure, then set by drying. Plasterwork is often used to create a smooth and even surface while also providing a range of decorative effects such as reliefs, mouldings, and architectural details. It is also used to provide sound insulation and fire-resistance to an internal wall. Plaster is a versatile material that can be worked into a variety of shapes and textures, making it a popular choice for both decorative and structural purposes.
Plasterwork, wall plastering, plastering techniques, decorative plastering.
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