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Good Amenity
Good Amenity

Amenity is a term that refers to a feature or service that enhances the comfort, convenience, or enjoyment of a particular place or activity. It can be anything from a public park or recreational area to a hotel or airport lounge. Amenities are often provided by local governments, businesses, or property developers to attract visitors, customers, or tenants. They can also be mandatory requirements for certain types of buildings, such as accessibility features for people with disabilities. One important aspect of amenities is their role in shaping the overall experience of a place or activity. For example, a well-designed public park with ample seating, shade, and water fountains can make a visit more enjoyable and encourage people to stay longer. Similarly, a hotel with a spa, gym, and restaurant can provide guests with a more luxurious and convenient stay. In this sense, amenities can be seen as a form of value-added service that enhances the perceived quality of a place or activity. Another important aspect of amenities is their impact on the local economy. Well-designed and well-maintained amenities can attract visitors and customers, which can in turn generate revenue for local businesses and create jobs. For example, a public park with a playground and picnic area can attract families and encourage them to spend money at nearby restaurants and shops. Similarly, a hotel with conference facilities can attract business travelers and generate revenue for local service providers. In conclusion, amenities play a crucial role in shaping the overall experience of a place or activity, as well as in generating economic benefits for local communities. Whether they are provided by local governments, businesses, or property developers, amenities can enhance the comfort, convenience, and enjoyment of a particular place or activity, and can be seen as a form of value-added service that enhances the perceived quality of a place or activity.

comfort, convenience, enjoyment, local economy, value-added service

Christopher Green


Amenity is a noun—defined as a comfort or convenience provided to a person or group of people. Synonyms of amenity include advantage, benefit, and boon, while antonyms include disadvantage, hindrance, and obstruction. Cognates of the word are found in many Romance languages, such as Italian amenità and French aménité. Variants of amenity that exist in English include amenity area and amenity space.

etymological-roots, derivation, origin, philology, phonology, morphology

George Adrian Postea


The word ‘amenity’ can be traced back to the Latin word ‘amoenus’ which means ‘pleasing’ or ‘pleasurable’. This word was later adopted into Middle English as ‘amnicite’ and eventually evolved into the form ‘amenity’. The word has been in use since the 16th century in its modern form, but it has since seen a wide range of connotations, from describing a pleasant feature to referring to a compulsory payment. Morphologically, the term is highly adaptable, with variants such as “amenities” and “amenitied”, the latter gaining traction over the last century. Pragmatically, ‘amenity’ is often used to refer to a convenience offered by a location, such as a hotel or airport, which may be a ‘bonus’ for those visiting the location or require payment for the privilege.

Etymology, Morphology, Amenity, Latin, Amoenus, Middle English, Compulsory, Connotations, Variants.

Henry Fontaine

CITATION : "Henry Fontaine. 'Amenity.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Amenity is a term used to describe a feature or service that has been provided to make life more convenient or enjoyable. This could include anything from electronic devices, such as televisions and phones, to public parks and gardens. While the English language has only one word for this concept, other languages have a range of equivalents to describe amenity. In Spanish, for instance, the concept could be referred to as 'comodidad', 'conveniencia', or 'lujos', while in French it is 'confort', 'avantage', or 'luxe'. In German, it would be 'Bequemlichkeit', 'Vorteil', or 'Luxus', while in Dutch it is 'gemak', 'voordeel', or 'luxe'. Finally, in Italian, it is 'comodità', 'vantaggio', or 'lusso'.

To optimize search engine results, one could use words like 'convenience', 'comfort', 'luxury', 'advantage', 'benefit', 'amenity', 'facilities', 'luxuriousness', 'luxurio

Harris Awan


Amenity is a term used to describe a feature or service that is provided to make a place more comfortable, enjoyable, or convenient. Examples of amenities include parks and recreational areas, restaurants, public transportation, and shops. Amenities are often provided by local governments or businesses, and can be used to attract visitors and customers.

Amenities, leisure, recreation, comfort, convenience, hospitality, attractions.

Robert Johnson

Amenity Definition
Amenity on Design+Encyclopedia

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