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Argument By Half-Truth

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Argument By Half-Truth

Argument By Half-Truth is a deceptive tactic that involves presenting only a partial truth or a distorted version of the truth to support one's argument or position. This tactic is often used to manipulate the opinions or beliefs of others, and it can be difficult to detect because it may contain some element of truth. One of the key features of Argument By Half-Truth is that it is often used intentionally to mislead others. The person using this tactic may be aware that they are presenting only a partial truth or a distorted version of the truth, but they do so anyway in order to support their argument or position. This can be particularly effective when the audience is not aware of the full facts or context surrounding the issue at hand. Another important aspect of Argument By Half-Truth is that it can be difficult to detect, especially if the person using the tactic is skilled at presenting their argument in a convincing manner. This is why it is important to be aware of this tactic and to critically evaluate any arguments or statements that are presented to you. It is also worth noting that Argument By Half-Truth can be used in a variety of contexts, from political debates to advertising campaigns. In some cases, it may be used to intentionally deceive people, while in other cases it may simply be a result of a lack of information or understanding. Overall, Argument By Half-Truth is a deceptive tactic that involves presenting only a partial truth or a distorted version of the truth to support one's argument or position. It is important to be aware of this tactic and to critically evaluate any arguments or statements that are presented to you in order to avoid being misled.

deception, manipulation, partial truth, distorted truth, critical evaluation

Jason Smith

Argument By Half-Truth

Argument by Half-Truth is when someone only tells part of the truth when trying to make a point. This can be done in order to make the point more convincing or to mislead the listener. It is important to be aware of this tactic because it can lead to making decisions based on incorrect information.

SEO: Argument by Half-Truth, cognitive biases, logical fallacies, disinformation.

Thomas Lee

CITATION : "Thomas Lee. 'Argument By Half-Truth.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 23, 2024)"

Argument By Half-Truth

Argument By Half-Truth is a cognitive bias and logical fallacy in which only part of a statement or argument is true. It is an intentional misrepresentation of facts, used to lead an audience to a false conclusion. The speaker presents the part of the statement that is true, while omitting the part that is false or misleading. This creates the impression that the entire statement is true, when in fact it is not. It can be used to manipulate a situation to a person's advantage and is considered a form of deception. Argument By Half-Truth can be used in debates or arguments to influence or win an argument, and it can be used to manipulate a situation to one's advantage.

Cognitive Bias, Logical Fallacy, Half-Truth, Misrepresentation, Deception, Manipulation, Argument, Statement.

Jessica Adams

Argument By Half-Truth Definition
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