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Attitude Inoculation

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Attitude Inoculation

Attitude Inoculation is a way to help people understand how to think critically and make better decisions. To understand it, think of it as a way to build up protection from faulty thinking. It works by teaching people how to recognize and avoid common mistakes in reasoning, like believing something just because it sounds good or making a conclusion without having all the facts. This way, people can be more aware of their biases and make better decisions by looking at all the facts objectively.

Attitude, Inoculation, Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies

Thomas Lee

CITATION : "Thomas Lee. 'Attitude Inoculation.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 07, 2024)"

Attitude Inoculation

Attitude Inoculation, also known as resistance to persuasion, is a cognitive bias or logical fallacy that occurs when a person is resistant to persuasion attempts due to prior exposure to those attempts. It can be caused by someone's prior knowledge of persuasive messages, such as those seen in advertising or political campaigns, or by actively engaging in an argument or debate with someone who disagrees with them. This resistance often takes the form of an individual's mental or emotional rejection of any new information that does not align with their existing beliefs, values, and opinions. As such, attitude inoculation is a form of cognitive defense that helps to protect one's beliefs from being swayed by persuasive messages.

Attitude Inoculation, Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies, Resistance to Persuasion.

Jessica Adams

Attitude Inoculation Definition
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