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Argument From Ignorance

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Argument From Ignorance

The Argument From Ignorance is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone assumes that a statement is true simply because it has not been proven false, or vice versa. This type of reasoning can be problematic as it relies on a lack of evidence rather than actual evidence. It is important to note that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and that the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. One common example of the Argument From Ignorance is the belief in supernatural or paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts or UFOs. People may argue that these things exist because there is no evidence to disprove their existence, but this is not a valid argument. The lack of evidence does not prove that these things exist, and it is possible that evidence simply has not been found yet. Another example of the Argument From Ignorance is the belief in conspiracy theories. People may argue that a conspiracy exists because there is no evidence to disprove it, but this is also not a valid argument. The lack of evidence does not prove that a conspiracy exists, and it is possible that evidence simply has not been found yet. It is important to remember that the Argument From Ignorance is a fallacy because it relies on a lack of evidence rather than actual evidence. In order for an argument to be valid, it must be supported by evidence that has been thoroughly researched and tested.

logical fallacy, burden of proof, absence of evidence, supernatural, paranormal, conspiracy theories

Daniel Wilson

Argument From Ignorance

The Argument From Ignorance is a cognitive bias wherein a person believes something to be true, simply because it has not been proven false. It is a logical fallacy that is based on the assumption that a lack of evidence is evidence of absence. This type of reasoning is often used to justify a position or belief, but it is considered to be an unsound form of argumentation. In order for the Argument From Ignorance to be valid, one must demonstrate that the lack of evidence is due to an exhaustive search for evidence and not due to a lack of effort. Otherwise, the Argument From Ignorance is considered to be an invalid form of reasoning.

Argument From Ignorance, Cognitive Biases, Logical Fallacies.

Jessica Adams

CITATION : "Jessica Adams. 'Argument From Ignorance.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on July 26, 2024)"

Argument From Ignorance Definition
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