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An ideogram is a symbol or graphical representation that conveys meaning without using words or letters. It is a visual shorthand for an idea or concept and can be used in various forms of communication, including writing, logos, posters, and design. Ideograms are typically used to convey visual information in a simplified yet meaningful way, allowing people to quickly and easily understand the concept or idea being communicated. They can be cultural, abstract, or symbolic, and can represent complex concepts, such as a graph or a chart. One interesting aspect of ideograms is their use in different cultures and languages. Ideograms have been used for thousands of years in various cultures, including ancient China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. In Chinese writing, for example, each character represents a concept or idea, rather than a sound or word. This makes Chinese ideograms particularly useful for cross-cultural communication, as they can be understood by people who do not speak the same language. Another interesting aspect of ideograms is their use in branding and marketing. Companies often use ideograms in their logos and advertising to create a visual representation of their product or service. For example, the Nike swoosh is a simple yet powerful ideogram that represents the brand's values of athleticism and movement. Overall, ideograms are a powerful tool for communication and design, allowing people to convey complex ideas and concepts in a simple, visually appealing manner. They have a rich history and continue to be used in various forms of communication and design today.

Symbol, Graphical representation, Communication, Culture, Branding

Christopher Davis


Ideogram is a noun, which refers to a graphical symbol that typically represents an idea or concept rather than an actual word or phrase. Synonyms for the term include ideograph, symbol, and graphic representation. Common antonyms for ideogram are literal, direct, and concrete. Cognates include the French term idéogramme and the Spanish idíograma. Variants of the word include ideograph, ideograms, and ideographic.

Lexicography, orthographic, semiotics, character, grapheme.

George Adrian Postea


The word ‘ideogram’ has a rich and varied history. It is derived from the Greek words, ‘ideo’ meaning ‘idea’ and graphos meaning ‘writing’. Its earliest occurrences are found in 17th century texts, where it was used to refer to symbols that represented abstract concepts. Through its usage within various areas of study, the word acquired different meanings such as a diacritical mark, an ideograph, a hieroglyph, and a pictograph. In modern usage, an ideogram is a symbol or graphical representation that stands for an idea or concept. In the field of linguistics, ideograms are used as a shorthand for conveying meaning, often used in the fields of morphological and etymological studies.

Etymology, Morphology, Ideogram, Diacritic, Pictograph

Henry Fontaine


Ideogram, by definition, is a symbolic representation of a concept, typically used in writing and visual communication. Its use dates back to ancient China, when it was first employed to represent words and phrase without using any alphabetic scripts. In the contemporary era, ideograms continue to be used as a means of expressing ideas in a visual way, though their usage varies from language to language.

For instance, equivalent words for ‘ideogram’ in other languages include hieroglyph (Ancient Egyptian), pictogram (English), dingbats (English), logograms (English), hanja (Korean), kanji (Japanese), sinograms (Chinese), pictographs (Chinese), sigils (Lat

Harris Awan


An ideogram, within the context of design, is a graphical representation of an idea, concept, or object. It is a visual representation of an idea or concept that conveys meaning without using words or symbols. An ideogram can also be used to create a visual representation of a concept, object or idea in order to better explain and represent it. Ideograms can be used to convey complex ideas and concepts in a simple, visually appealing manner, without the need for lengthy explanations. They can be used in logos, illustrations, and various other types of design work. Ideograms are often used in branding and marketing to create a visually appealing representation of a product or service. They can also be used to create a visual reminder of a company or organization’s mission.

Ideogram, logo, symbol, icon, pictogram.

Ji-Soo Park


Ideogram is the practice of using symbols to represent a concept or an idea. It can be used in various forms of communication, such as logos, posters and writing. Ideograms are typically used to convey visual information in a simplified yet meaningful way, allowing people to quickly and easily understand the concept or idea being communicated. Ideograms can be cultural, such as the symbol of a cross for Christianity; or abstract and symbolic, such as the recycling sign. They can also represent complex concepts, such as a graph or a chart.

Ideogram, symbol, representation, concept, logo, poster, writing, visual, information, simplified, meaningful, cultural, abstract, symbolic, cross, Christianity, graph, chart.

Lauren Moore

CITATION : "Lauren Moore. 'Ideogram.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 08, 2024)"

Ideogram Definition
Ideogram on Design+Encyclopedia

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