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Award Computer

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Award Computer

Award Computer is a prestigious sub-category of the A' Design Award that recognizes outstanding computer-related designs. The A' Design Award is a global competition that honors the best designs, concepts, products, and services from around the world. The Award Computer category is open to a wide range of computer-related designs, including hardware, software, and user interfaces. To be eligible for the Award Computer category, designs must demonstrate excellence in innovation, functionality, aesthetics, and user experience. The judges are looking for designs that push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of computer design and that have the potential to make a significant impact on the industry. The winners of the Award Computer category receive international recognition and exposure, as well as a range of benefits that can help them further their careers. These benefits include a trophy, a certificate, and an invitation to the prestigious gala night and exhibition. Additionally, winners receive extensive publicity and promotion through various media channels, including online and print publications. Overall, the Award Computer category is an excellent opportunity for designers, innovators, and creatives in the field of computer design to showcase their talents and gain recognition on a global scale. The competition is highly competitive, and the judges are looking for the very best designs from around the world.

A' Design Award, computer-related designs, innovation, functionality, aesthetics, user experience

Charles Williams

Award Computer

Award Computer is a very special sub-category of the A' Design Award, which is a global award recognizing the best designs, concepts, products and services worldwide. It is an international platform that promotes good design practices and creates an international competitive environment for architects, product and graphic designers, engineers, and other creatives. Award Computer offers an opportunity for talented designers, innovators and creatives to get international recognition and appreciation. It is a great honor when one's work is acknowledged and awarded with the A' Design Award.

Award Computer, A' Design Award, Design Recognition.

Lucia Ferrari

CITATION : "Lucia Ferrari. 'Award Computer.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on September 07, 2024)"

Award Computer Definition
Award Computer on Design+Encyclopedia

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