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Analysis is a process of breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable components in order to gain insight and explore potential solutions. It is a critical component of the design process, helping to identify, prioritize and address the needs of users, customers and stakeholders. Analysis can take many forms, including market analysis, trend analysis, statistical analysis, and usability analysis. It involves looking at the individual components of an issue or object and examining how they interact with each other to create the whole. Analysis is a valuable tool for improving decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. One important aspect of analysis is the ability to identify patterns and relationships in data. This allows analysts to gain a better understanding of the problem and make informed decisions. Another important aspect is the ability to evaluate the success of a design and identify areas for improvement. Through analysis, designers can gain insights into their users’ needs and preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions and create better user experiences. Analysis also allows designers to iterate and refine their designs, helping them to create more effective solutions. Analysis is not limited to the design process, however. It is used in a variety of contexts, from scientific research to business management. In scientific research, analysis is used to test hypotheses and make predictions about future events. In business management, analysis is used to assess the validity of data, evaluate performance, and make informed decisions about investments and strategies. In conclusion, analysis is a process of breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable components in order to gain insight and explore potential solutions. It is a critical component of the design process, helping to identify, prioritize and address the needs of users, customers and stakeholders. Analysis is not limited to the design process, however, and is used in a variety of contexts, from scientific research to business management.

design process, patterns, relationships, scientific research, business management

Charles Jones


Analysis is a noun, used to denote the process of responding to and understanding a particular situation or text. Synonyms for analysis include examination, investigation, study, and evaluation. Antonyms for analysis are lack of understanding, passivity, and ignorance. Cognates of analysis include the Spanish word 'análisis' and the German word 'Analyse'. Variants of this word include analyser, analysing, and analysist.

Etymology, morphology, word formation, definition, synonymy, antonymy, taxonomy, variants.

George Adrian Postea


Analysis is derived from the Greek word ‘analytikos’ which can be translated to mean ‘solvable’ or ‘compound’. This word has a long history, first being associated with the practice of mathematics, then being used in philosophy during the early modern period in the 16th century. Today it is used in a variety of contexts, referring to a process of breaking down and investigating the components of an event, thing or phenomenon. Morphologically, the word consists of three morphemes: the prefix ‘an’, which has an intensifying force; the root ‘lyt’, which comes from the Greek ‘luo’ and can be translated to mean ‘to unbind, dissolve’; and the suffix ‘-sis’, which is derived from the Greek ‘sise’ and is indicative of a transformation, or a process of doing something. In pragmatic terms, the term is used to refer to a process of detailed examination, for the purposes of interpretation or evaluation.

Etymology, Morphology, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics

Henry Fontaine


Analysis is an important part of the creative process and can help designers gain a better understanding of their users and customers. By breaking down complex data into smaller components, designers can identify patterns and relationships, analyze user behavior, and develop strategies to create effective solutions. Through analysis, designers can gain insights into their users’ needs and preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions and create better user experiences. Analysis also allows designers to evaluate the success of a design and identify areas for improvement, helping them to iterate and refine their designs. Analysis is a powerful tool for designers, developers and artists alike, allowing them to gain a better understanding of their audience, the problems they are trying to solve, and how their design decisions will affect the outcome of their project.

Analysis, Design, Problem-solving, Insight, Critical Thinking, Decision-making, Iteration.

Federica Costa


Analysis is a powerful tool for designers, developers and artists alike, allowing them to gain a better understanding of their audience, the problems they are trying to solve, and how their design decisions will affect the outcome of their project. By breaking down complex data into smaller components, designers can identify patterns and relationships, analyze user behavior, and develop strategies to create effective solutions. Analysis can also be used to evaluate the success of a design and identify areas for improvement. Through analysis, designers can gain insights into their users and customers, allowing them to make informed decisions and create better user experiences.

Analysis, Design Thinking, Process, Problem-Solving, Insights, Data, User Experience.

Claudia Rossetti


Analysis is a critical component of the design process and is used to identify opportunities, assess user needs, and develop strategies to create effective solutions. By breaking down complex data into smaller components, designers are able to identify patterns and relationships, analyze user behavior, and identify potential solutions. Analysis can also be used to evaluate the success of a design and identify areas for improvement. Analysis is an iterative process, allowing designers to quickly identify solutions and test them in the context of the design.

Design, research, insights, strategy.

Eleonora Barbieri


Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable components in order to gain insight and explore potential solutions. It allows for the identification of patterns, trends and relationships in data, which can be used to gain a better understanding of the problem and make informed decisions. Analysis is a key element of the design thinking process, helping to identify, prioritize and address the needs of users, customers and stakeholders.

Analysis, problem-solving, data, insight, trends, patterns.

Giovanna Mancini


Analysis is an integral part of the creative design process. It involves evaluating a product, concept, or project to determine what works and what does not. By exploring the individual elements of a design, a designer can gain a better understanding of the impact of their decisions on the project as a whole. Through analysis, designers can identify problems and potential solutions, allowing them to quickly identify potential solutions and iterate upon them. Analysis helps designers develop strategies that can be used in tandem with other design processes to ensure that their designs are successful.

Creativity, Design, Arts, Evaluation, Problem solving, Iteration.

Anna Lombardi


Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex topic or object into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. It involves looking at the individual components of an issue or object and examining how they interact with each other to create the whole. Analysis is a valuable tool for improving decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.

Analytics, Data, Research, Interpretation, Insight

Roberto Colombo

CITATION : "Roberto Colombo. 'Analysis.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"


Analysis is the process of breaking down complex data into smaller parts and understanding the relationships between them in order to draw conclusions about the data. This process involves systematically examining and evaluating data to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in order to gain insights and make decisions. It typically involves both quantitative and qualitative methods and can be used to assess the validity of data, test hypotheses, and make predictions about future events.

Data mining, statistical analysis, predictive analytics, machine learning, business intelligence.

Giulia Esposito


Analysis is an important part of the design process and involves breaking down data into logical components to better understand the underlying phenomena. It can take many forms, including market analysis, trend analysis, statistical analysis, and usability analysis. During the analysis phase of design, a designer will review and analyze the pertinent data to better understand the problem at hand and help identify potential solutions. They will assess the data to understand the target audience, determine the user base, evaluate existing products and services, and review customer feedback.

Analysis, data, design, trends, usability

Emma Bernard

Analysis Definition
Analysis on Design+Encyclopedia

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