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Albatrosses are large seabirds with long wingspans and hooked bills that are used for catching food from the ocean. They are found in all oceans of the world, usually in areas with strong winds and ocean currents. These birds are known for their ability to glide over the ocean's surface for hours without flapping their wings, which is an adaptation that allows them to conserve energy while searching for food. Albatrosses are also known for their longevity, with some individuals living over 60 years. Albatrosses are divided into four genera: Diomedea, Phoebastria, Thalassarche, and Phoebetria. These genera are further divided into 22 species, with the largest being the wandering albatross, which has a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters. Albatrosses are monogamous and form lifelong pair bonds, with both parents sharing in the incubation and feeding of their chicks. Unfortunately, albatross populations are threatened by human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change. These birds are particularly vulnerable to getting caught in fishing gear, which can lead to injury or death. Conservation efforts are underway to protect albatross populations, including the use of bird-safe fishing gear and the establishment of protected areas.

seabird, wingspan, longevity, monogamous, conservation

Matthew Anderson


Albatross is a noun and can be defined as a large web-footed seabird with long narrow wings and a hooked bill. Synonyms of the word include ocean bird, sea bird, glider, flier, soar, and hawk. Antonyms of the word are land bird, swimmer, duck, and penguin. Cognates of albatross include the Dutch albatros, German Albatros, Spanish alcatraz, French albatros, and Italian albatro. Variants of albatross are albatros and albatrosses.

Etymological sources, morphological processes, semantic changes, linguistics development, language history

George Adrian Postea


The word ‘Albatross’ is a term of Old World origin, which has existed in both its archaic and modern forms since Medieval times. The term has its roots in the Latin word albus, denoting whiteness and referring to their white plumage. The Middle English Albatros was given to an early bird which closely resembled an eagle or hawk in its form and stature. Originally, the word was seen as a metaphor for something large, ungainly, and burdensome. It was mainly used in religious, mythological, and poetic contexts and as a symbol of prudence and freedom.

Etymology, morphology, linguistics, evolution, historical, pragmatics

Henry Fontaine


Albatross is a large seabird of the family Diomedeidae, with a long wingspan and a distinctive white body plumage. It is distributed across much of the Southern Hemisphere, from the Arctic through the tropics and is an iconic species in many marine cultures around the world. In many different languages, Albatross is referred to by a variety of terms, including: albatro, albatros, albatras, albatroz, albatrossi, albatrosa, albatres, albatré, albatroso, albatroska, albatru, eilbatros, albatrise, albatrosul, albatrosas, albatrosen, and albatrosho. Additionally, other equivalent terms in other languages include mollymawk, alla, goosander, goëland, alcatraz, alcatraces, alcatra, alcatroz, mollymauck, alcapperucio, alcapperuzio, alcacerucio, alcaceruzio, alcacerucio, alcaceruzio, alcatrazi, alcatressa, alcatrese, alcatrosu, mollymawk, and alla.

Albatross translations Chinese mandarin touyixiang, Spanish albatros, French albatros, Italian albatro, German albatros, Latin albatrillus, Portuguese albatroz, Dutch albatros, Russian albatross, Polish albatros, Arabic kahil, Estonian albatross, Czech al

Harris Awan


Albatrosses are large oceanic birds that belong to the family Diomedeidae. They have long wings and a long hooked bill that is used for catching food from the ocean. They can be found in all oceans of the world, usually in areas with strong winds and ocean currents. They rarely come to land, except during breeding season when they form large colonies on remote islands. Albatrosses are amongst the longest-living bird species, with some individuals living over 60 years. They feed mainly on squid and fish and use their long wings to glide over the ocean's surface in search of food.

Albatross, oceanic bird, Diomedeidae, long wings, hooked bill, remote islands, long-living, squid, fish, gliding.

Ryan Davis

CITATION : "Ryan Davis. 'Albatross.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 17, 2024)"

Albatross Definition
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