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Architectural Wallwasher

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Architectural Wallwasher

An architectural wallwasher is a specialized lighting fixture that is designed to provide a uniform wash of light over a large vertical surface such as a wall or a ceiling. The primary purpose of a wallwasher is to enhance the visual appeal of the space by highlighting the architectural features of the building. By illuminating the vertical surfaces, the wallwasher creates a sense of depth and texture, making the space appear larger and more inviting. One of the key features of an architectural wallwasher is its ability to distribute light evenly across a large surface area. This is achieved through the use of a reflector, which directs the light towards the wall, and a diffuser, which spreads the light out evenly. The lamp used in a wallwasher is typically a high-intensity discharge lamp or an LED lamp, which provides a bright and efficient light source. Architectural wallwashers are available in a variety of styles and sizes to suit different applications. Some wallwashers are designed for indoor use, while others are suitable for outdoor use. Wallwashers can also be mounted on the ceiling or the floor, depending on the desired effect. In addition to their aesthetic benefits, architectural wallwashers also have practical applications. They can be used to provide general lighting in large spaces such as lobbies, atriums, and conference rooms. They can also be used to highlight specific features such as artwork, sculptures, or architectural details. Overall, architectural wallwashers are an essential component of modern lighting design. They provide a versatile and efficient lighting solution that enhances the visual appeal of any space.

lighting fixture, uniform wash, vertical surface, reflector, diffuser, high-intensity discharge lamp, LED lamp, indoor/outdoor, ceiling/floor mount, general lighting, artwork, sculptures, architectural details

Jeffrey Anderson

Architectural Wallwasher

An architectural wallwasher is a type of lighting fixture that is designed to provide a wide spread of light over a large area. It is usually installed on walls or ceilings and can be used to provide general lighting or to create a desired ambience. This type of lighting is often used in commercial and industrial settings, as well as in residential spaces. The wall washer typically includes a reflector, a lamp, and a diffuser to evenly distribute the light. It is often adjustable, allowing the user to direct the light in a specific direction.

Architectural wallwasher, lighting fixture, ambient lighting, wide spread, diffuser.

Robert Johnson

CITATION : "Robert Johnson. 'Architectural Wallwasher.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 18, 2024)"

Architectural Wallwasher Definition
Architectural Wallwasher on Design+Encyclopedia

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