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Angry is an emotion that is commonly experienced by individuals in response to a perceived threat or injustice. It is often characterized by feelings of frustration, annoyance, and hostility, and can manifest in a variety of ways, including verbally, physically, or through facial expressions. The experience of anger is complex and can be influenced by a range of factors, including personal history, cultural norms, and individual temperament. One important aspect of anger is its potential to motivate individuals to take action. When channeled in a constructive manner, anger can be a powerful force for change, inspiring individuals to stand up against injustice or work towards achieving their goals. However, when left unchecked or expressed inappropriately, anger can have negative consequences, including damaged relationships, physical harm, and legal repercussions. Another important aspect of anger is its relationship to other emotions. Anger is often linked to feelings of fear, sadness, and anxiety, and can be both a cause and a result of these emotions. For example, an individual who feels threatened or insecure may respond with anger as a way of asserting their dominance or protecting themselves from harm. Similarly, an individual who is experiencing grief or loss may feel angry as a way of coping with their emotions. Overall, anger is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is experienced by individuals in a variety of situations. While it can be a powerful motivator for change, it can also have negative consequences when expressed inappropriately. Understanding the underlying causes and effects of anger is an important step in managing this emotion and using it constructively.

emotion, frustration, hostility, motivation, relationships

Matthew Scott


The word “angry” is classified as an adjective, which describes a state of feeling, attitude, or emotion. Possible synonyms for “angry” include enraged, wrathful, furious, indignant, aggrieved, and infuriated. Antonyms are composed of words such as peaceful, calm, delighted, content, pleased, and cheerful. Cognates of the word “angry” include the Latin “ankaerare’, the Armenian “homik”, the Polish “zły”, the French “enrage”, and the Spanish “enojado”. Variants include “angriest”, “angrily”, and “anger”.

word origins, language families, historical sources, origin aspects, development trends, linguistics analysis, synonymy, antonymy, cognate, variants

George Adrian Postea


The word 'angry' has a long and complicated history that is linked to the origin of language and the evolution of linguistics. It is derived from the Greek word angelein, which is composed of the prefix 'an' (meaning 'up'), the verb 'gelein' (meaning 'swell') and the suffix '-y' (meaning 'state'). This verb form was first used in Homer's Iliad with the meaning 'to boil or rage' and has had an intricate morphological journey from angelein to its current form. Historically, angry has also been used in reference to strong emotions related to unrest, indignation and outrage. The semantics of the word 'angry' goes beyond the literal meaning of rage and implies stronger feelings of disapproval, hostility and aversion. Furthermore, the word carries connotations of danger, violence and potential harm. From a pragmatic point of view, the word can be used to express a range of intensity, depending on the context and situation.

Etymology, Morphology, Politics, History, Emotion.

Henry Fontaine


Angry is a common emotion, experienced by people the world over. It is characterized by a feeling of strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility towards someone or something, and can manifest either verbally or physically. In English, angry is used as the primary descriptor of this emotion, but there are a number of equivalents in other languages, including irate, enraged, infuriated, furious, riled up, and displeased. Other languages also have their own words specific to the emotion of anger, such as mad or grouchy in Spanish, enfurecido or irritado in Portuguese, colérique in French, and sensibile in Italian. Furthermore, the emotion of anger is expressed differently in other cultures, and can be represented by a number of words, such as wroth, resentful, indignant, seething, acrimonious, wrathful, ireful, choleric, and vehement.

angry, irate, enraged, infuriated, mad, grouchy, enfurecido, irritado, colérique, sensibile, furious, riled up, displeased, wroth, resentful, indignant, seething, acrimonious, wrathful, ireful, choleric, vehement

Harris Awan


Angry is a common emotion depicted in anime, comics, and manga. The facial expression used to show this emotion is usually exaggerated, with the brows drawn down, mouth downturned, and eyes widening. The eyes are often used as a focus point, with intense shading and extensive black lines being used to emphasize the emotion. Other factors, such as clenching of the hands or fists, might be used to indicate a greater level of anger.

angry expression, anime, manga, comic, japanese comic, facial expression.

Taro Yamada

CITATION : "Taro Yamada. 'Angry.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 09, 2024)"

Angry Definition
Angry on Design+Encyclopedia

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