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An actor is a professional performer who portrays a character in a theatrical production, film, television show, or other type of media production. While the primary responsibility of an actor is to bring a character to life through their actions, emotions, and words, they also play a critical role in the overall success of a production. Actors must be skilled in a wide range of techniques, including physicality, vocal control, and improvisation, in order to create a believable and engaging performance. They must also have a deep understanding of the context and conventions of their medium, as well as the specific requirements of their role. Actors often work closely with directors, writers, and other members of the production team to develop their characters and bring the story to life. They may participate in rehearsals, read-throughs, and other collaborative processes to refine their performance and ensure that it fits seamlessly into the overall production. In addition to their work on stage or screen, actors may also participate in promotional events, interviews, and other activities to promote their work and engage with their audience. One of the most important qualities of a successful actor is versatility. Actors must be able to adapt to a wide range of roles and genres, from serious drama to slapstick comedy. They must also be able to work effectively with a wide range of personalities and creative styles, as well as handle the pressures and demands of a high-stakes industry. Ultimately, the success of an actor depends on their ability to connect with their audience and bring their characters to life in a way that is both authentic and engaging.

performer, theatrical production, film, television show, physicality, vocal control, improvisation, context, collaboration, versatility, audience

Joseph Nelson


The word actor is derived from the Latin term ‘agere’ which means ‘to do’ or ‘to take action’. In ancient Greek and Roman cultures, people who took action or performed were referred to as ‘actors’ or ‘actores’. Its etymology reveals a strong connection between phonology and semantics; the phonemes of the word “actor” have strong associations with action, movement, and doing which are expressed through the phonetic structure. Morphologically, the word is made up of the Latin root ‘act-‘ which is found in a variety of forms from the middle English ‘acte’, to the French and Italian ‘attore’, to the modern English ‘actor’. Historically, the word ‘actor’ has been employed to refer to theatrical actors, however it can also be used as a general term to refer to a person or thing that performs a deed or action. In this sense, the word is used to denote a performer who appears in a film, play, or television show and according to the given context, the actor can be interpreted in a variety of ways. This word therefore plays a central role in the communication of purpose and intent in a wide range of contexts.

Etymology, Morphology, Pragmatics, Historical Evolution, Latin Root.

Henry Fontaine


The word Actor is a noun, which refers to someone who performs in a movie, television show, play, or other form of theater. Synonyms for Actor include star, thespian, player, performer, mime, comedian, and vocalist. Antonyms, on the other hand, are words such as spectator, non-actor, and audience member. Cognates of Actor include the Spanish actor and the French acteur. Variants of the word are actress and actorship.

Morphology, Etymology, Semantics, Lexical, Lexicology.

George Adrian Postea


The term actor is used to denote an individual who performs a role in a theatrical production, movie, television show, radio show, or other form of media. This person is the protagonist, antagonist, or other character within the story, and they perform various tasks in order to advance the plot. In other languages, this person can also be referred to as a performer, artist, actor or actress, thespian, comedian, mimic, mime, tragedian, dramatist, entertainer, or vocalist. Additionally, this individual could be dubbed as a protagonist, antihero, lead, protagonist, champion, debater, storyteller, mime, comic, serious actor, extra, bit player, or supporting actor. Moreover, some languages may refer to this person as an actor or actress, star, dancer, featured player, or foil.

Actor equivalents in other languages could include performer, artist, actor, actress, thespian, comedian, mimic, mime, tragedian, dramatist, entertainer, vocalist, protagonist, antihero, lead, champion, debater, storyteller, comic, serious actor, extra, b

Harris Awan


An actor is a professionally trained individual who performs in various types of media, including film, television, radio, stage, and voice-overs. Actors often portray characters in animated programs such as anime, comics, and manga. They are responsible for projecting emotions, interpreting lines, and emoting visually and vocally in order to create a believable and engaging performance. Actors often use various techniques and tools to help them bring life to their characters, including method acting, breath control, improvisation, and physicality.

Actors, acting, performance, character, animation, anime, comics, manga.

Taro Yamada


Actors are critical to the success of designs, art, and creativity. They bring a unique perspective to the project and understand how to embody a character or idea in a powerful way. They use their physicality, expressions, and body language to bring the narrative to life. Actors are trained in the understanding of theatrical conventions, which allows them to interpret the context of a story and bring it to life. They provide an additional layer of emotion, depth, and intrigue to a design, making it more engaging and successful. Actors can also help designers to communicate their ideas in an effective and meaningful way.

Actors, theatre, performance, design, art, creativity.

Federica Costa

CITATION : "Federica Costa. 'Actor.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on February 19, 2025)"


Actors are essential to design, arts and creativity as they bring a unique perspective and embodiment to the project. They use their physicality, expressions and body language to bring life to the ideas and narratives. Through their understanding of theatrical conventions, they are able to understand the context of the story and bring it to life. Actors can add a new layer of emotion, depth, and intrigue to a design, and they can bring the story to life in a powerful, yet subtle way. In the design process, actors are often the key element to making the project engaging and successful.

Actors, Performance, Theatre, Character, Role, Embodiment, Expression, Body Language, Storytelling, Physicality, Emotion, Intrigue, Depth, Design, Arts, Creativity.

Claudia Rossetti


Acting is a form of storytelling, and actors are the key to sharing stories with an audience. Actors are the physical embodiment of a character or idea, and they bring personality, presence, and emotionality to the story. They use their physicality, vocal cords, and props to bring the character to life. Through the understanding of theatrical conventions, actors are able to convey a character’s story in an authentic and powerful way. Designers rely on actors to bring their work to life and make it more engaging to the audience. Actors provide an additional layer of intrigue, emotion, and depth to the design.

Acting, Performance, Character, Theater, Roleplay.

Eleonora Barbieri


Designers may consider actors to be important subjects within their work. Actors, in a context of the design, art and creative processes, involve embodying a role and bringing life to the idea or project at hand. Here, the significance of actors is such that their presence and engaging presence enhances the very essence of the design that has been created. They can be the ones that bring about a powerful, yet subtle layer of intrigue, emotion and depth to the design.

Actor, Performer, Role, Embodiment, Creative Process.

Anna Lombardi


An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance, typically in a play, film, television show, or other type of media production. Actors typically use their bodies and voices to convey a character’s actions, emotions, and words. They may also use props and costumes to help the audience understand the character and the story. Acting is both a craft and an art form that requires creativity, physicality, and an understanding of theatrical conventions.

Acting, theater, performance, media, character

Giulia Esposito

Actor Definition
Actor on Design+Encyclopedia

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