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An aircraft is a machine that is designed to fly through the air. It is typically powered by engines and can be used for a variety of purposes, including transportation of people and goods, military operations, scientific research, and recreation. The design of an aircraft is based on the principles of aerodynamics, which involves the study of the behavior of air when it interacts with moving objects. Aircraft can be classified into several categories based on their design and purpose. Some common types of aircraft include airplanes, helicopters, gliders, and drones. Airplanes are the most common type of aircraft and are designed to fly by using the lift generated by their wings. Helicopters, on the other hand, are designed to fly by using the lift generated by their rotors. Gliders are unpowered aircraft that rely on the natural currents of air to stay aloft, while drones are unmanned aircraft that can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance and aerial photography. The history of aircraft dates back to the early 19th century when the first hot air balloons were invented. Since then, the technology behind aircraft has evolved significantly, with the development of more efficient engines, lighter materials, and advanced avionics systems. Today, aircraft are an essential part of modern transportation and play a critical role in global commerce and military operations.

aerodynamics, airplanes, helicopters, gliders, drones

Anthony Wilson


Aircraft are vehicles that are designed to move through the air, typically powered by an engine. They are used for transportation, recreation, and other services. The modern aircraft is a complex and sophisticated machine, with many components and systems working together in order to achieve flight. Designers have to consider many factors when designing an aircraft, such as aerodynamics, engine performance, weight and balance, and structural design. One important aspect of aircraft is their impact on the environment. Aircraft emissions contribute to air pollution and climate change, and efforts are being made to reduce their impact through the development of cleaner and more efficient engines, the use of alternative fuels, and the implementation of more efficient air traffic control systems. Another important aspect of aircraft is their role in national defense and security. Military aircraft are used for reconnaissance, transport, and combat, and their design and capabilities are constantly evolving to meet changing threats and technologies. Aircraft also have a significant impact on the global economy, enabling the transportation of people and goods across long distances and facilitating international trade and commerce. The aviation industry employs millions of people worldwide and generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. However, the industry also faces challenges such as fluctuating fuel prices, regulatory hurdles, and competition from other modes of transportation. Overall, aircraft are complex machines that have a significant impact on many aspects of society, including the environment, national security, and the global economy. As technology continues to advance, the design and capabilities of aircraft will continue to evolve, and the industry will need to adapt to meet new challenges and opportunities.

transportation, recreation, environment, national defense, security, economy, aviation industry, technology

Jonathan Anderson


Aircraft is a term used to refer to any device or vehicle used for aerial navigation. This includes aircrafts capable of vertical takeoff and landing, such as helicopters, as well as those that rely on fixed-wing propulsion, such as airplanes and gliders. In many languages, there are a variety of words used to refer to aircraft, some of which are luftfahrzeug, avion, самолёт, zrakoplov, αεροσκάφος, aerospace mesin, aeroplan, 航空機, zanegar, aeronave, 航空器, flymaskin, vliegtuig, samolot, лётачко, leetak, aeronautică, and piloot. Other words that may refer to specific types of aircraft include витязь, rotor, flugvél, helikopter, réacteur, and svetimas. As such, it is important to be aware of the various terms used to describe aircraft in different languages in order to provide an effective and accurate translation.

Aircraft, Luftfahrzeug, Avion, Самолёт, Zrakoplov, Αεροσκάφος, Aerospace Mesin, Aeroplan, 航空機, Zanegar, Aeronave, 航空器, Flymaskin, Vliegtuig, Samolot, Лётачко, Leetak, Aeronautică, Piloot, Витязь, Rotor, Flugvél, Helikopter, Réacteur, Svetimas

Harris Awan


The word “aircraft” has ancient and varied origins. Its first use is thought to be over 1000 years ago, when the Old English word “æraudfleyght” was used to describe a flight of an eagle – from “æra” meaning ‘air’ or ‘sky’ and “fleoght” meaning ‘flying’ or ‘flight’. Over the centuries, this word has morphed into the modern term “aircraft”. From the linguistic perspective, “aircraft” as a single word is a nominalization of the verb “aircraft”, making it a countable noun that refers to anything that flies in the atmosphere. This development has been accompanied by the creation of a variety of syntactic forms, such as the use of different nouns and adjectives to refer to different types of aircraft. In addition, “aircraft” has also taken on connotations of technological advancement and progress, and has been adopted as a symbol of modernity and science. In terms of pragmatics, “aircraft” has come to be understood to refer exclusively to any motorized, powered and manned flight device, though it is also sometimes used to describe any type of flying mechanism, from birds to planes.

Aircraft etymology, linguistics, evolution, morphology, pragmatics, historical, origin, flying, powered, technology.

Henry Fontaine


Aircraft can be classified as a noun, referring to a vehicle or vessel which is able to fly or float through the air. Synonyms of the word Aircraft include plane, glider, blimp and dirigible. Antonyms of Aircraft include structure, building and ground vehicle. Cognates of Aircraft can be found in international languages, such as Spanish (Aeronave), French (Avion) or German (Flugzeug). Variants of the word Aircraft can include airship, spacecraft, aeroplane or barge.

Morphemes, aviation history, etymological principles, language change, aerospace industry

George Adrian Postea


Aircraft design is an intricate process that involves a deep understanding of physics, engineering, and art. Designers must consider aerodynamics, weight and balance, and structural integrity when creating an aircraft. They must also ensure passenger comfort, aesthetic appeal, and cost-effectiveness. The design process also requires an understanding of materials science, structural engineering, and systems engineering. The latest aircraft designs incorporate advanced avionics, composite materials, and computer-aided design. Aircraft designers must also be mindful of the safety regulations and standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Aircraft, design, aerospace, flight, engineering, aerodynamics, avionics, propulsion, materials, structural, systems, FAA.

Eleonora Barbieri

CITATION : "Eleonora Barbieri. 'Aircraft.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on October 17, 2024)"


Aircraft design is an ever evolving process, one that requires a deep understanding of physics, engineering, and artistic principles. Designers must consider the aerodynamic properties of an aircraft, its weight and balance, and its structural integrity. They must also consider the comfort of passengers and the aesthetic appeal of the aircraft. Designers must also be able to anticipate and plan for the future of their designs, as aircraft technology is constantly changing and advancing. As aircraft become more sophisticated, designers must incorporate new technologies into their designs, such as advanced avionics, composite materials, and computer-aided design. Designers must also keep up with the regulations and safety standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Aircraft, Aviation, Flight, Design, Safety, Technology, Avionics, Materials, Structures, Regulations, Comfort, Aesthetics, Performance, Efficiency, Innovation.

Federica Costa


Aircraft are remarkable feats of engineering and design. From the earliest flying machines to the most advanced commercial airliners, aircraft are a testament to man’s ingenuity and creativity. Aircraft designers must consider a wide range of factors when creating an aircraft, from aerodynamics and propulsion to weight and balance. The design process also requires an understanding of materials science, structural engineering, and systems engineering. Aircraft designers must create a machine that is lightweight, aerodynamic, and reliable. It must also be comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, as well as cost-effective. The design process for an aircraft is a complex and collaborative process, requiring the expertise of many professionals.

Aircraft, flight, aviation, transport, planes, jets, commercial, air travel, aerospace, engineering, design, aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, systems, weight, balance, comfort, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness.

Claudia Rossetti


Aircraft are vehicles that are designed to move through the air, typically powered by an engine. They are an integral part of our society, providing transportation, recreation, and other services. The modern aircraft is a complex and sophisticated machine, with many components and systems working together in order to achieve flight. Designers have to consider many factors when designing an aircraft, such as aerodynamics, engine performance, weight and balance, and structural design.

Aircraft, flight, aviation, aeronautics, avionics.

Giovanna Mancini


Aircraft are among the most inspiring and innovative forms of design. They encompass a mix of creative principles stemming from engineering, aesthetics, ergonomics, and countless other disciplines. Their complex physical and functional components come together in a form that is both aesthetically pleasing and efficient. Aircraft are a testament to the creativity of man and the endless possibilities of design.

Aircraft, Aviation, Aerospace, Flight.

Anna Lombardi


Aircraft are fixed-wing machines, typically powered by jet engines, that are used for transportation and recreational purposes. They are constructed from lightweight materials, such as aluminum and composites, and operated by a pilot or flight crew. Aircraft have a range of capabilities, from short-distance transportation to long-distance and high-altitude travel. Aircraft can be used for cargo transportation and air-to-ground combat.

Aircraft, aviation, planes, jets, flying.

Giulia Esposito

Aircraft Definition
Aircraft on Design+Encyclopedia

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