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Automotive Telematics

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Automotive Telematics

Automotive telematics is a technology that is revolutionizing the way cars are designed and used. It enables vehicles to be connected to the internet and to each other, allowing designers to create interactive vehicles that respond to the driver's needs in real-time. This allows them to create cars that are more personalized and tailored to the individual needs of the user. Automotive telematics also enables drivers to access information and services that were previously unavailable or difficult to access, such as real-time traffic updates, navigation assistance, remote vehicle control and diagnostics, as well as automated crash notification, automatic emergency braking and lane-keeping assistance. Automotive telematics is also providing new opportunities for designers to explore the creative potential of cars, as they can now design cars that have the ability to interact with their environment in novel and unexpected ways. Automotive telematics is a technology that is transforming the automotive industry, and will continue to do so in the future.

Connected cars, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, teleoperation, infotainment.

Eleonora Barbieri

Automotive Telematics

Automotive telematics is a rapidly growing technology that is revolutionizing the way cars are designed and used. It enables vehicles to be connected to the internet and to each other, allowing for multiple forms of communication and interaction. Designers can use telematics to create interactive vehicles that respond to the driver's needs in real-time. This allows them to create cars that are more personalized and tailored to the individual needs of the user. Automotive telematics also enables drivers to access information and services that were previously unavailable or difficult to access, such as real-time traffic updates, navigation assistance, remote vehicle control and diagnostics, as well as automated crash notification, automatic emergency braking and lane-keeping assistance. Automotive telematics is also providing new opportunities for designers to explore the creative potential of cars, as they can now design cars that have the ability to interact with their environment in novel and unexpected ways.

Automotive Telematics, Vehicle Connectivity, Telecommunication, Data Transmission, Automated Responses, Infotainment Services.

Federica Costa

Automotive Telematics

Automotive telematics is a new technology that enables cars to be connected to the internet and to each other. It allows for multiple forms of communication and interaction between vehicles, service providers and users. Automotive telematics can be used to enhance the driving experience, by providing drivers with real-time traffic updates and navigation assistance, as well as convenience features such as remote vehicle control and diagnostics. It also offers safety benefits, such as automated crash notification, automatic emergency braking and lane-keeping assistance. Automotive telematics is also revolutionizing the way cars are designed. By using telematics, designers can create interactive vehicles that respond to the driver's needs in real-time. This allows them to create cars that are more personalized and tailored to the individual needs of the user.

Connectivity, Automation, Telecommunication, Sensors, Mobility

Claudia Rossetti

CITATION : "Claudia Rossetti. 'Automotive Telematics.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 15, 2024)"

Automotive Telematics

Automotive telematics is the use of telecommunications and data transmission technologies for automotive applications. It allows for two-way communication between a vehicle and a service provider, using hardware and software in the car, as well as a user interface. Examples of applications include navigation, remote diagnostics and vehicle tracking. Automotive telematics also enables automated responses from the vehicle, such as automated crash notification, as well as infotainment services.

Automotive Telematics, Vehicle Technology, Car Communication, GPS Tracking, Diagnostics Monitoring.

Emma Bernard

Automotive Telematics Definition
Automotive Telematics on Design+Encyclopedia

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