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Axial-flow Compressors

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Axial-flow Compressors

Axial-flow compressors are a type of compressor used in gas turbine engines to compress air before it enters the combustion chamber. They are designed to produce a high-pressure ratio with a relatively small increase in temperature, making them highly efficient. Axial-flow compressors consist of a series of rotating and stationary blades that work together to compress the air. The rotating blades, also known as rotor blades, are attached to a central shaft and spin at high speeds, while the stationary blades, also known as stator blades, are fixed to the casing of the compressor. As air enters the compressor, it is first directed towards the rotor blades, which accelerate the air and direct it towards the stator blades. The stator blades then redirect the air back towards the rotor blades at a higher pressure and velocity. This process is repeated multiple times as the air passes through each stage of the compressor, resulting in a highly compressed and pressurized air stream. Axial-flow compressors are highly efficient and can achieve pressure ratios of up to 30:1. They are commonly used in gas turbine engines for aircraft, power generation, and other industrial applications. However, they are also complex and expensive to manufacture, and require precise engineering and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

compressor, gas turbine engines, rotor blades, stator blades, pressure ratio

Nicholas Anderson

Axial-flow Compressors Definition
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