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Autonomous Buses

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Autonomous Buses

Autonomous buses are self-driving public transport vehicles designed to navigate city streets and highways without the need for a human driver. These buses employ a combination of advanced technologies, including GPS, radar, lidar, and computer vision, to perceive their surroundings, interpret traffic signals, and make real-time decisions to ensure safe and efficient transportation. The development of autonomous buses aims to revolutionize public transit by reducing traffic congestion, minimizing human error, and increasing accessibility for passengers with limited mobility. Additionally, the implementation of autonomous buses has the potential to optimize route planning, reduce operating costs, and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by promoting the use of shared, electric-powered transportation. As the technology continues to evolve, autonomous buses are expected to play a significant role in shaping the future of urban mobility, offering a more sustainable, reliable, and convenient alternative to traditional public transportation systems.

self-driving public transport, urban mobility, advanced transportation technology, sustainable transit

Robert Anderson

Autonomous Buses Definition
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